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~Raina POV~

I was so confused. Aragorn was... alive? Am I hallucinating? His eyes met mine.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked quietly. I looked down.

"I thought you were-" My voice hitched. "I thought you were dead! I can't- I couldn't-"

"I know." He hushed me. He brought me into his arms as I cried silently into his shoulder. "We should get moving. Uruks are making their way here. Tens of thousands of them. I must warn the king." I nodded my head.

We made our way down the steep slope and eventually to the bottom. There was no way to go. We were trapped by sheets of rock. I had an idea.

Aragorn looked around us, attempting to figure a way out. "Aragorn?" I questioned.


"Do you remember back in Moria when I lifted the staircase? I think I can do it again."

"No." He replied firmly. "It's too dangerous."

"If I don't we'll die! I won't lose you." I bowed my head. "Not again."

He sighed. "Be careful."

I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes. I raised my arms up into the air and the rocks began to groan. Slowly and shakily, the rocks began to budge, lifting themselves a few feet in the air. My arms began to shake from the weight. I began to sweat. My hands began to bleed, like I was physically holding them above my head. The rocks climbed ever higher into the air and my feet dug into the earth. With a loud grunt, I threw the rocks a few meters away and watched as they crumbled into stone. My breaths were laboured and I looked at my bleeding hands. They were still shaking violently. I felt my eyes begin to droop and I felt myself being caught just before I hit the floor.

~Aragorn POV~

I ran over to Raina just before she hit the floor and caught her. I scooped her up into my arms and began to walk towards Helms Deep. She truly was extraordinary. No mortal on this earth is as nearly as powerful as she. I was lucky to have her and I was even more determined to keep her safe. She will not fight in this battle. She will not be put in danger.

~Author's Note~

Ohhhh I wonder what she'll think of that! I'm sorry I haven't been active lately. I know, I'm horrible. This was a filler chapter and I'm really excited for the next one!!! Shizz will go down if ya know wut I'm saying! I am really appreciative of all the views and it kinda freaked me out with it having so many reads! I didn't expect it! I hope you're all enjoying this story and the Battle of Helms Deep is fast approaching! Let me know what you think in the comments and as always, thanks for reading, chums!

Lollylom <3 

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