Cave-trolls And Frying Pans

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~Raina POV~

Gradually, everyone began to wake up. I looked over at Aragorn. He avoided my gaze and continued to smoke his pipe. I looked down at my feet. Everything he said was right. I was so scared about myself I lead to fellowship into danger. I should have told them. Why did I have to be so stupid?!

"Oh, it's that way!" Gandalf said cheerfully.

"He's remembered!" Said Merry excitedly.

"No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down here. If in doubt Meriadoc, always follow your nose." He spoke wisely. We began to follow Gandalf down the tunnel, descending down the steps. The doorway opened up to a huge room. HUGE.

"Behold! The great realm and Dwarf-city of Dwarrowdelf." Gandalf announced whilst brightening his staff so we could see the vastness of the hall. To call it a hall was a huge understatement. Gimli's eyes shone with pride. Everyone was awe-struck.

"There's an eye opener and no mistake." Sam muttered, astonished. We began to walk through the columns and across the vast chamber until Gimli noticed a room. This room was all too familiar to me. It was where I managed to re-take control of my body.

"Gimli!" Gandalf shouted.

It was also the place where...

"Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria. He is dead then. It's as I feared." Gandalf stated solemnly. I knew Balin well. A goblin had struck him down. Gimli carried on weeping and I was at the verge of tears. I'm so sorry Balin. I couldnt save you.

Gandalf picked up the book that a nearby skeleton was clutching. He handed his staff to Pippin.

"We must move on, we cannot linger." I heard legolas say. As long as we stay inconspicuous. As long as we stay inconspicuous... I kept repeating it over and over in my head. We'll be fine...

Gandalf began reading from the book. We'll be alright. We'll be okay.

"...they are coming." Inconspicuous, inconspicuous.


Pippin, being the inquisitive hobbit he is, decided to poke a skeleton, leading to said skeleton falling down a well and making a huge racket. To make the situation even better, the skeleton had a bucket attached to it and that promptly fell as well. Pippin flinched with every crash until... Silence.

The atmosphere was tense. Nobody dared to even breathe. After a few moments, Boromir let out a breath he didn't even realise he'd been holding. We all let out a sigh of relief. They hadn't heard. Until...

Doom. Doom. Doom. Doom doom. Doom doom doom.

I really hoped that was Pippin's stomach. I was wrong. Orcs began to screech. Everybody sprung into action. Boromir began to look out of the door and was nearly hit by two arrows.

"Get back! Stay close to Gandalf!" Aragorn told the hobbits as he and the rest of us began to barricade the doors. A loud growl from outside the door sounded.

"They have a cave-troll." Boromir reported in sarcastic happiness.

Legolas began to toss axes to Aragorn and Boromir as I readied my twin swords.

"Argh! Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria that still draws breath!" Gimli growled. I felt guilty. The hobbits drew their swords. Such courage. I gave them a comforting smile before the orcs began to break through the ancient wood. Aragorn and Legolas readied their bows and aimed them towards the door. A hole began to form in the wood as the orcs ripped through it. Legolas aimed, then fired. He was rewarded by a shrill screech. The doors began to groan and then they flew open, and floods of orcs came charging through. Then, we were in battle.

~ Aragorn POV~

They had broken through! I got out my sword and began to attack any oncoming threats. We had to protect the hobbits. We all charged into battle. Raina fought them with much vigour. She snarled as she decapitated an orc and stabbed another in the chest. Her eyes showed pure hatred.

I slashed my way through the sea of orcs to get to the cave-troll that had just crashed through the door, sending pieces of wall flying with it. It went to stand on Sam, but myself and Boromir yanked the chain around it's neck and it turned to face us. With one strike, it took out Boromir and sent him flying into a wall.  He seemed dazed but okay, until I saw the orc ready to strike him down. I flung my knife at it's neck and killed it. I nodded towards Boromir and then continued to fight. I noticed Raina protecting the hobbits.

~ Raina POV~

I stayed with Merry, Pippin and Frodo. I had to keep them safe. No one else was going to die on my watch. I hid them behind a pillar and defended them. I saw Sam hitting orcs with frying pans. I smirked slightly. The cave-troll raised it's menacing hammer at us. We split up. Merry was with Pippin and I was with Frodo.

"What ever happens, I swear I'll protect you." I whispered to Frodo. He smiled nervously and nodded. We hid behind a pillar. The troll sniffed behind it. We moved around the pillar as it began to peer round the other side. And then it moved away. We sighed of relief. At least, we thought it had moved away. It ran round the corner and growled. It grabbed hold of my leg.

"Aragorn! Aragorn!" Frodo shouted desperately. Aragorn looked over. I was half expecting him to just let the troll kill me, but to my surprise, he ran over. He grabbed a spear and stabbed the troll in the stomach, forcing the troll to release me. Before I had time to say thank you, the troll tossed Aragorn to the side and he hit the wall. He was unconscious. We ran to him and tried to shake him awake. He was out cold. The troll began to pursue us again. Frodo tried to run but the troll blocked him with it's newly acquired spear. Frodo was pushed against the pillar. I ran to him. The troll was getting ready to stab him! I pushed Frodo out of the way as the spear was thrust towards him. Then, I felt nothing but pain. I hadn't gotten away in time. It had stabbed me square in the stomach. I stood gasping for air as the troll pushed the spear deeper into my body.

~ Aragorn POV~

I awoke slightly dazed to see Raina running towards Frodo. The troll was about to stab him but she pushed him out of the way so the troll stabbed her instead. She looked startled for a moment, then looked at the spear protruding from her stomach.

The troll growled, clearly not understanding why she wasn't dead yet and pushed the spear further into her stomach. She gasped and fought for air.

I leapt at the troll with Merry and Pippin. It flung it's arms around wildly and let go of the spear.

"Raina!" I shouted.

She grimaced and locked eyes with me, before plummeting to the ground with the spear still imbedded in her stomach.

I thought about all the things I said to her, how I told her I would kill her myself. How angry I got when it wasn't her fault. She just gave her life to protect the ringbearer. She was brave and selfless. How could I have said all that awful stuff to her?

I let out a battle cry and killed orcs with a new ferocity. I stabbed and hacked until my arm went numb. Legolas shot an arrow into the cave-troll's lip. It looked confused, before it fell to the floor dead.

I ran towards Raina. She had her eyes shut and if it wasn't for the spear, she could have been mistaken for sleeping. In a way, she was. I looked down sadly at her and longed to apologize for what I said.

The rest of the fellowship ran over.

"She saved me. Like she promised she would." Said Frodo in a small voice. Legolas muttered a short prayer under his breath in elvish. I checked her pulse, just to be sure. Nothing.

"amin hiraetha. (I'm sorry)" I whispered. I stood up. We had to leave. I turned away when I heard a sharp intake of breath behind me and then someone breathing heavily. I turned back around to see Raina trying to sit up.

"H-how?" I stuttered. She looked up at me, confused as to why I was talking to her.

"While my father lives, I live." Is all she said before she walked past me, not even looking at me.

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