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~Raina POV~

Every thought that ran through my mind was a blur when I looked into those blue eyes. Before I could even stop myself I had pressed my lips to his. I panicked at first, but relaxed when I realized he was kissing me back.

His hands ran through my hair. I held him close to me. For the first time in all the ages of this world, it felt right. 100% real. But did he feel the same way?

I always thought how Aragorn and I were alike. We both clung onto the past, feared ourselves. But we would stay loyal until the end. We were both willing to fight for our freedom and our destinies.

I reluctantly pulled away from the kiss but kept eye contact with Aragorn. "Raina, I-"

I put a finger to his mouth and brushed loose hair behind his ear. "It's alright." I whispered.

"No, no it's not alright." He replied, shaking his head vigorously.

"Why, what is it?" I asked, panic making its way into my heart.

"Because I think I'm in love with you!" He shouted, before walking away from me. I let him go. I was too stunned to do anything else. Why did he shout? Was he ashamed?

I stood staring at where he had just been standing, before abruptly speeding back to my room. Within a few seconds, I was sat on my bed with my shoes off and nightgown on. I heard a startled squeak.

"Don't frighten me like that!" Théodra whined.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"I am sorry about my uncle. He didn't mean it. Oh! Your clothes are back from cleaning and are you really related to the dark lord? I mean, you don't strike me as the type-"

I let Théodra talk but I wasn't really listening.

"Raina? Are you alright? Sorry, I'm babbling aren't I? You can just ask me to stop, you know." She said.

"It's okay." I mumbled.

"What is the matter?" She asked, concern washing over her face.

"It's-" Do I tell her? "It's Aragorn."

"The tall dark one? What about him?"

"I may have... kissed him..." I said hesitantly. My ears were attacked my squeals.

"Ohhh!!! Tell me everything! I need to know!"

"Thats all there is to it. I kissed him. He screamed he was in love with me. He walked away. He's ashamed Théodra."

"I doubt that. You are a very pretty girl. Any man would be lucky to have you." I smiled.

"He's in love with Arwen..." I trailed off.

"Arwen? Legolas was telling me about her. I spent most of the afternoon with him today. She has sailed the ship hasn't she?"

"Yes. But his heart still belongs to her."

"Again, I doubt that. I have seen you two together." She said, a twinkle in her eye. "He cares deeply for you. He refused to leave you last night. He held your hand for most of the night and wouldn't let go lest you wake up. Even Gandalf could not persuade him to leave!"

I smiled. "That sounds like him. He's so loyal and compassionate and chivalrous."

"You really care for him too, don't you?"

"Yes." I replied. "Yes I really do."

~Aragorn POV~

I panicked. I don't know why I did. I just did. It was ridiculous really. I felt like I was betraying Arwen. The only thing was, when I thought of her, I knew I did not love her as I once did. That much was true.

I was right. I am in love with Raina. But does she feel the same way? There was only one way to find out.

AN: Fiiiight! Comment if you get the Harry Hill reference I just did. :D

Thanks for reading, gummy bears!

Lollylom <3

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now