The caves

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AN: I'm back and ready to start writing again! Remember, if anyone needs any help regarding any issues from my message, please feel free to talk to me.

~Aragorn POV~

I ran to the throne room where Théoden dwelled. I kicked open the doors as I held Raina bridal style with both arms. I was met with the shocked expression of Legolas and he ran over to me and took her from my arms.

Three servants rushed over as Legolas put Raina onto a wooden bench. "Get some bandages and water for her hands." Legolas ordered. "Go!"

"My Lord!" I shouted to Théoden. "We have a problem."


I explained to him the matter at hand. Ten thousand strong uruks were coming. They were coming to destroy us. Raina had woken up not ten minutes after, her wounds almost healed. We were taken to our rooms to clean up before helping the villagers into the caves.

"We must protect them." Raina said whilst we were in her room. I handed her a glass of water.

"I know." I sighed. "That's why I'm sending you into the caves."

"What?" Raina shouted incredulously and nearly spat out the drink she was drinking.

"Raina, please. I must protect you. You must-"

"No!" She stepped closer to me. "No. You do not get to decide this, Aragorn. I am fighting." She said, sternly.

"Raina. I need to protect you. Sauron wants you. They're not just coming for Rohan, they're coming for you!"

"Then that's exactly why I need to fight!" She shouted. "Sauron will not stop looking for me. The villagers will be in danger if I stay with them!"

"But you will be in danger if you come with us! They won't even make it to the caves. We will fight until our last breaths to protect you and the villagers. Please. Stay in the caves."

She scowled at me and walked slowly around me. "Have you any idea how many men I've killed?" She asked whilst circling me. "More men than you have ever known. Do you know how many evil creatures I've destroyed? Double it." She stopped pacing. "I am a killing machine. It's what I was made for. It's who I am. I can do this. I'm fighting."

I sighed and ran a hand over my face. "I knew you would put up a fight... That's why I spiked your drink."

"Wha- what?" She spluttered.

"I'm sorry, Raina." I said as she began to go limp.

I carried her over my shoulders to the direction of the caves. Legolas was waiting outside for me.

"I presume the plan worked then?" He asked. I nodded. "I hate that we have to do this though. I feel as if we are betraying her trust."

"We have to do this, Legolas. She left us no choice."

"I suppose so..."

We reached the gate to the caves and I brought her inside and lay her against a wall.

"Sleep well, Raina. I'll be back for you, I promise." I kissed her forehead and looked towards Legolas. "Lets go. Help me round up the rest of the villagers. The battle starts soon."

AN: There we have it! The battle of Helms Deep next chapter! How will Raina react to being drugged?

By the way guys, if any of you like danisnotonfire and amazingphil, aka Dan and Phil, I wrote a little story about them, if you're interested. :)

See you soon!

Thanks for reading, chums!


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