Petty Rivalries And A Flashback

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~ Raina POV ~

We began travelling again after the short breakfast and I fell into step with Aragorn. We did not speak for a while, we just enjoyed each others company. "I hear you travelled with the 13 dwarves to Erebor." Aragorn began.

"Yes. I spent over a year with them." I replied. I heard a gasp.

"A year?!" Cried Legolas. "How did you manage that? It must have been very difficult!" Gimli grunted at that.

"Listen here pointy ears! My father was part of that company! Whats wrong with her staying in the company of dwarves! Better than the elves. My father told me of their visit to Rivendell! No meat! Whats wrong with you?" Gimli bellowed.

"Listen here shorty-" legolas began.

"Enough!" Bellowed Gandalf. "Put away your petty rivalries, we have no need for it!" He grumbled. Silence once again continued. Aragorn gave me a small smile before falling into step with Frodo. I couldn't help but smile back.


"We must hold this course west of the Misty Mountains for 40 days, if our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us." Gandalf announced as we made camp. Sam got the eggs and sausages going again and Frodo stared off into the distance.

"Merry, Pippin!" Boromir shouted. "It's time I helped you in your first sparring match!" He shouted happily. The hobbits bounded over energetically. They had taken a rather big liking to the Gondorian. They grabbed their short swords and faced him. He began with some simple attack moves that they had to dodge. "Two, one, five. Good! Very good." Boromir praised. We began to gather round to watch.

"Move your feet" Aragorn called from the side lines. I smiled and watched them sparr with fascination until I remembered how I had learned to weild a blade.

~ flashback ~

It was cold and dark in the cells of baradur. Nobody had ever visited me before. Until somebody began to unlock the door. It wasn't mealtime yet. An orc stood in the doorway. "You have come of age," he growled. "you will follow me and fulfil your purpose."


I fell to the floor of the arena. Orcs were watching and snickering as I lay covered in dust. "Get up scum and face me!" the orc hissed. I growled. I dropped my sword and looked him dead in the eye. He smirked as I stood defenceless. He ran at me. I raised my hand up and he stopped, like he had ran into a brick wall. He got up off the floor and charged again. I pushed my hands forward and sent him flying back with an invisible force. I twisted my wrist and I heard a crack as his neck snapped. Turns out I didn't need to weild a sword.

"You have inherited the dark lords abilities." Spoke a figure hooded in black. It was a wraith. "You will see him now. I was lead up to the tower where I was confronted with my father where he began to poison my mind.

~ end of flashback ~

"My lady?"

I had not noticed Aragorn had come to stand beside me. "Would you care for a sausage?" Aragorn asked. I smiled and said no. I wasn't hungry anymore.  Legolas was stood on one of the rocks.

"What is that?" Asked Sam.

"Nothing, just a wisp of cloud." Gimli dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

"It's moving fast... Against the wind" Boromir muttered.

"Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas shouted.

"Hide!" Aragorn yelled.

The camp was alive with activity. People were searching for hiding places and putting out fires and hiding things. I jumped under the nearest bit of foliage to find that I landed on something soft... Oh god I'm lying on top of someone aren't I? Oh Valar no please don't be Gimli! The birds began to swoop and swirl around the camp and then vanished towards the mountains. I sighed of relief. They hadn't seen us. I rolled off the squishy figure and blushed when I was face to face with Aragorn. "S-sorry" I stuttered.

"It is fine." He smiled, slightly embarressed. Legolas raised an eyebrow. I glared at him.

"The passage South is being watched. We must face the pass of Cahadras." Gandalf stated, turning towards the snow covered peek. Good thing I packed an extra cloak..

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