Revealing the Truth

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~Raina POV~

I watched as Aragorn stalked back the way I came a few minutes ago. What was wrong? Had I upset him? I shook my head and faced back towards Legolas who was shooting arrows again. If he wanted to be confusing, let him. After we nearly kissed back in Lothlorien, Aragorn pretended it never occurred. I was grateful in a way and I decided to do the same thing, but every now and again I remember what happened. What nearly happened.

In a way, Aragorn was in the same situation as me. We both love someone we can't have.

For the rest of the afternoon, I absent-mindedly shot arrows whilst mulling over the confusion that was Aragorn.


The funeral was to be held for the king's son tomorrow at sunset. I headed towards the hall where a feast was to be held in his honour. In the hall, I was greeted by Gandalf. He gave me a sad smile and motioned me to sit down. He leaned closer and whispered in my ear: "Does the king know?"

"No." I whispered back. "I haven't had a chance to speak to him. Do you think this is a good idea, Gandalf?"

"He has to find out sometime, my dear. It would be better from your mouth." He replied.

"I will tell him." I said shakily.


Plates of food were layed out. I was sat between Gandalf and Legolas.

"Tonight, we hold this feast in honour of my son, a noble warrior and asset to Rohan. May he be guided to the halls of our forefathers. A life lost to early, an evil death. May we hail him." The king had tears in his eyes.

"Hail!" The table chorused and drank from golden goblets.

I made eye contact with Aragorn as he drank from his cup. I cleared my throat and turned away. Everyone began to eat but I didn't feel like eating much. How am I to tell a king I am a daughter of evil without getting killed? I suppose it didn't matter that much if he did kill me...

"How is the chicken, Raina?" Legolas asked. I knew he was just trying to generate conversation.

"Excellent, Legolas. How is the salad?"

"Divine." He said with a smile.

The table lapsed into silence.

After the meal, we began to leave the hall. I have to speak to the king. He must know. I slowly approached the throne where the king was sat with a hand on his forehead.


He looked up. "Yes? You are the woman that travelled with the wizard are you not?"

"Yes I am. But I have a... confession... if you will." The king raised his eyebrow. "Will you let me explain fully?"

"Of course. What is it you wish to confess?"

Oh Valar. "I am..." This will not go down well. I sighed. "I am Sauron's Daughter." The words came out in a rush. The room was silent.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I am Sauron's only daughter. But I am not-"

"This is a joke. I cannot deal with this right now. Leave." The king ordered.

"It isn't a joke sire."

"Leave!" He shouted.

I let out a frustrated grunt. I let my eyes change colour to orange and watched as the king's face paled considerably.

"You're..." He breathed.

"A monster, wench, take your pick." I replied. I hated this part.

"A spy!" He hissed. I wasn't expecting that one. "Seize her!" He shouted to some nearby guards. The guards ran at me and I let them catch me. It would do no good for me to kill them. "Do you know the punishment for your crimes, my lady?" The king's eyes had darkened. "Death." Oh joy!

"No, my Lord!" Aragorn shouted as he ran into the room. The guards had forced me to my knees before the king. The king paid no heed to Aragorn and sent a dagger sailing for my heart.

All went black.

AN: oh dear!!! Cliffy hehe...

Thanks for reading!! :-)

Lollylom <3

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