Wounds Do Heal

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I made my way back to camp.

"Lady Raina?" Legolas questioned. "Are you quite well." I nodded meekly. "I've been wanting to speak with you." I looked at him. "How are you fairing?"

"I am well Legolas. Matters have been resolved." I replied before he could go into detail about Aragorn and myself. I knew he could sense the tension. I am a mind reader, after all.

"That is good. And the ring? Is it having any affect on you?"

"None at the moment. My father is getting more persuasive. I won't fail you however. I cannot fail." I said.

"I can see the determination in your eyes." Legolas smiled. "We will not let anything bad happen to you for as long as we live, Raina. Aragorn especially. He has grown rather fond of you." I stood in shock before composing myself.

"I assure you, it is nothing."

"If you insist." Said Legolas, a gleam in his eye.

"I am going to retire." I mumbled before scrambling away to my bedroll.

~ dream ~

"Not long now. It's coming. Our strike will come soon. Beware!"

~ end of dream ~

I sat up with a jolt.

"Raina?" Aragorn asked. I looked at him and smiled. "Do you mind if I check your wound?"

"Not at all." I lifted up my top. Aragorn's eyes widened. "What?" I asked panicked. "What is it?"

"Wounds never heal that fast."

"I can heal much quicker when I am well rested." I explained. "In the mines, I hadn't slept so I couldn't heal because I was exhausted. By tomorrow, that wound will just be a scar." While I explained, Aragorn was looking  at the bottom of my ribs that you could just see as my shirt was covering the top half of my body.

"What are these?"

~ Aragorn POV~

"What are these?" I asked. She had scars all over her ribs. She looked down.

"My upbringing was not great Aragorn." She whispered. "When my- Sauron found out I could heal rapidly, he... Experimented on me. He tortured me."

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now