3 Sausages And An Egg

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~Gandalf POV~

I listened to the whole exchange between Boromir and Raina. I felt rather shocked to say the least that Raina would tell people who she is so quickly. But- if she left it any longer and they found out, the situation could be much worse. I fear for Raina. She is too close to the ring. It could quicken Sauron's mind control. But she needs to do this. I see it in her heart. She is stronger than in the past. The Pheonix will lose. I will make sure of that. Now, I must wake the others. We must get moving. The quicker this quest is done, the less pain there is for Raina and Frodo.

"Everyone up!" I shouted. "We must get moving!" Pippin snorted awake.

"What about breakfast?" He asked.

"I'll do it." Sam grumbled.

I walked over to Raina. "Are you alright my dear?"

"No," she answered sadly. "I had a nightmare... He showed me what... What I did!" She choked.

I bent down to her level. "That will not happen again. I am here for you this time. Now, I suggest you get some food before the hobbits eat it all." I smiled. She looked over to where Merry had stuffed 3 sausages and an egg into his mouth at the same time. She let off a small grin. Her face turned serious again and she turned to face me.

"You're letting me stay?" She whispered. "Gandalf they dont want me here. They're frightened. I can tell."

"You've dealt with this before. Go talk to them. Earn their trust." I spoke widely. She nodded.

"Okay Gandalf. I'll try."

~ Raina's POV ~

I walked over to the hobbits. "May I have some food?" I asked quietly.

"Of course!" Exclaimed Merry. Frodo turned away suspiciously. Merry handed me a plate of food.

"Thank you." I said. There was an awkward silence. Pippin cleared his throat.

"We dont care who you are." He stated. "I think you're very nice. If you wanted the ring, you would of killed us all already." Merry elbowed him.

"Pippin!" He whisper-shouted. I smiled awkwardly.

"Thanks Pippin. I pose no threat to you. I am here for the same reason as all of you. To destroy Sauron."

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