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~3rd person POV~

Legolas stood in shock. Raina was gone. He had to find her. He could not lose her too. Aragorn was like a brother to him and he swore to protect her. He swore.

"We have to go." He whispered to Gimli.

"Move out!" The king ordered. "We make for Helms Deep!"

The horses began to file out.

"We're not going to make it" Legolas thought.


Raina kept running. Her vision was blurred and her head pounded in her skull.

"See what you did? Worthless. He's dead. You killed him. It's your fault. Why don't you join us? Oh please join us. We'll have so much fun..."

"Stop!" Raina screamed. "Please!"

"You cannot escape. You are scum. He's dead. It's your fault. You could have saved him."

Raina reached the gates of Helms Deep. The gate was already open for the king. She ran through. She was met by dozens of villagers.

"Kill them. Kill these people. You know what to do. Use your power. Destroy these filthy mortals! Join us! Be the princess of Mordor. Come, daughter. Join."


Raina knew she had to get to an isolated place, and quickly. She could feel it coming, consuming her. She ran to the highest tower of Helms Deep. She noticed a rock face and began to climb, all whilst having the voices, the never-ending voices.

She reached the top of the small cliff. Her breaths were laboured. The phoenix was here.

She outstretched her arms and screamed as the orange blinding light consumed her and black smoke arose from the dirt.

Something was licking Aragorn's face. His face contorted into confusion. Then he remembered: Raina. He blearily opened his eyes and saw Brego towering over him. He smiled slightly and muttered a thank you to the horse. He slowly got up and straddled him. They proceeded to make a slow trot towards Helms Deep.


Legolas took in the sight of panicked villagers when they reached Helms Deep.

"What is it?"

"What's happening?"

"We're doomed!"

He looked to where the villagers were pointing. At the top of a cliff, an orange light emitted. He squinted his elven eyes to see. He could see a shape. He knew who it was without even thinking.

"Gimli, it's Raina!" He whispered.

"I can see that, lad! What do we do?" He asked.

"I don't know. I really don't."


Aragorn could see Helms Deep in the distance. His worn out eyes did not notice the light that shone brightly through the cliff face. He reached the gate and got down from his horse.

"He's alive!" A woman shouted. No body turned around. What was happening?

Aragorn was met by the concerned face of Legolas. "Aragorn! I am so glad to see you!"

"Mellon nîn." He acknowledged. "Mani naa ta?" (What is it?)

"Aragorn, goheno nin. Tolo ar nin." (Aragorn, forgive me. Come with me)

Legolas led Aragorn to a spot where he could see the cliff face clearly. "It's Raina." Legolas pointed. "She's lost control."

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now