Offers of Refusal

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~Raina POV~

The glow swirled around me. Smoke arose from the earth and mixed with the orange glow to create a shape I knew all too well: the eye of Sauron.

"It's so nice to see you... in the flesh. There is nothing left for you here... other than your demise. I can give you a new life..." A hand formed from the mist. "A life of power. Thousands will crawl at my- our feet. Come, daughter. Live... or die." The hand signaled me forward.

He's right. What do I have to live for? I can go back to Mordor. But Aragorn....
No. He's gone.

I stepped closer to the hand and reached out to take it.

~Aragorn POV~

I ran past the villagers, Legolas and Gimli following closely behind. We had to get to the mountains, and fast. I jumped over a basket of apples as I reached the stairs that lead to the higher level. I had to save her. To think that our last conversation was an argument... no. It's not worth thinking about. I would save her. I have to.

"Aragorn! We are nearly there!" Legolas shouted.

As we reached the mountainside, the rumble and vibrations from the mountains became so fierce that boulders began to tumble and I watched in horror as I was separated from my comrades by a wall of rock.

I covered my head with my arms as they crashed between us, dust getting caught in my lungs as I coughed.

"L-Legolas!" I shouted between coughs.

"We're fine Aragorn! Save her!" He replied.

I needed no more persuading. I bounded up the steep incline, sword in hand. As I reached the top, I saw a sight I thought I would never see. Raina was just centimetres from taking the hand of non other than Sauron himself. She looked as if she was in some sort of trance.

"RAINA!" I hollered over the strong wind and rumble of the rocks on the mountainside. She did not stir. I ran towards her. "RAINA!!"

Her hand hesitated. Then she stopped, blinked and turned around. "A-Aragorn?" The winds began to die down. I nodded slowly and smiled slightly.

She looked back towards the figure of Sauron. "It's just empty words." She whispered. With her glowed hand, she sent a strong wind towards Sauron, splitting his form in two and he dissipated like smoke. Her skin slowly stopped glowing and she let her hand drop.

I made my way towards her. I engulfed her in a hug as she cried silently into my shoulder.

"I thought I had lost you!" She yelled between sobs.

"Same here." I muttered, stoking her hair lightly as I felt her tears on my tunic. "I will never leave you again." I said firmly. "Never. I love you."

"I love you too." She replied.

I gently released my hand from her hair and stroked her cheek lightly as she looked up at me in affection. She leaned in closer to me until our lips brushed together. My lips pressed against hers as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I slowly made my way back to playing with her hair as we kissed tenderly. There was no need to rush. We both had each other and we knew that in that moment, the world was ours.

~Sauron POV~

"You should have taken my offer, dear daughter. I gave you a choice, you refused. Every action has consequences. Now you may watch your friends BURN!"

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now