Proving My Worth

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After the Council, I went back towards my room. I was half way down the corridor when I was stopped by Boromir. "You!" He snarled. "You cannot join the fellowship! You will be as much of a burden as the ring is! You are a woman!" Not this again...

"Thank you boromir, for reminding me of my gender. I know I am a woman but I am just as, if not more, skilled at fighting. Even than you. I will be no burden." I replied. Boromir scoffed. "I hardly doubt that. Go back to the kitchen where you belong!" He jeered. I walked towards him, attempting to control my temper. The pheonix was coming. "Training grounds. Tomorrow. At dawn. Bring Legolas and Aragorn. Don't be late!" I whirled back round and left, leaving Boromir on his own in the hallway.


I was stood in the training ground, waiting for the trio to arrive. I wore my burgundy tunic and leggings, my black knee high boots and my hair was in a pony tail. I unsheathed my twin swords and began to sharpen them. Then, I saw them approach.

"Raina." Legolas greeted.

"My lord Legolas, I havent seen you properly since you locked me and the dwarves up in Mirkwood prison." I replied. Legolas shifted uncomfortably. "I believe I have not introduced myself," I said towards Aragorn. "My name is Raina, pleasure to meet you." I bowed.

"I am Aragorn or Strider. It is up to you which one you choose. It is strange to be doing introductions again." I smirked.

"Okay then Aragorn. Shall we train?" I asked.

"Who do you challenge first?" Boromir asked.

I smiled. "All of you."

Legolas looked weary. He knew how well I could fight. He also knew I was older, even than him! Lets just say, I've had ALOT of time to train. I was even there at the battle fighting against my father when he was destroyed.

Boromir laughed. "Fine. We shall have it your way." I'll wipe that smug smirk off his face.

They all got out their weapons. Boromir wasted no time on attacking me. I dodged every single blow with ease. Aragorn joined in. I used one sword to fight him and one sword to fight Boromir. Legolas attempted to attack from behind but I kicked him in the torso, knocking the air out of him. I pushed my two swords together, making Aragorn and Boromir's swords link together. I tripped Aragorn and went to strike him but he rolled out of the way. Legolas attacked me again but I tripped him and he stumbled. I put my sword to his throat. "dead." I say. Boromir attacked again and Aragorn joined in. we parried like this for a while until Aragorn's moves became sloppy and I easily disarmed him. "dead" I said again. Now it was just me and Boromir. We kept on fighting until I jumped into the air and into a tree. Boromir looked around wildly for me. I jumped back down infront of him and startled him. I started delivering harder and harder blows and Boromir began to slow and tire. I then interlocked our swords and twisted them and Boromir's sword flew into the air and away from him. Before he could react, I kicked him to the ground and put my 2 swords to his throat. "I win." I offered Boromir a hand to help him up but he refused.

"You have proved your worth. But do not think that I will be there to defend you." Boromir stated.

"I never said you should." I sheathed my sword and left the training grounds. We would leave for Mordor in the morn.

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