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I rode through the forests around Rivendell before I noticed a familiar spot. I jumped off Eru and tied her to a nearby tree. "I'll just be a second mellon" I whispered to her. I slowly walked into the clearing.

~ flashback ~

"Raina? Raina where are you?" A voice called not far away. I was sat in the same clearing. "There you are! What are you doing here?" Kili asked.

"Just thinking." I replied solomly.

"About what?" He replied, sitting on a rock next to me.

"Thorin doesn't want me here, does he?" I turned to face him. "I can see it in his eye. He won't admit it, but he's scared of me." Kili looked confused. I continued. "He and Gandalf are the only ones in the company that know my heritage. Thorin has every right to want me banished. Even killed." A, tear rolled down my cheek.

"Why?" he asked quietly. "He wouldn't do that. I wouldn't let him!" He spoke angrily.

"Kili, can I trust you?"

"Of course you can!"

"You must let me explain everything. And you cannot tell anyone. Not even Fili." He nodded. I proceeded to tell him everything, my heritage, my powers, my past. He sat quietly with his face drawn in a line. I took a deep breath. "So do you understand why I'm not wanted? Do you want to kill me too?" I asked fearfully. There was a pause. I put my head in my hands in shame.

"No." I looked up at him. "No. You are nothing like him. I can see that. When you... Did those things... You weren't in the right mind. Gandalf trusts you. I trust you. I wouldn't want you any less than who you are." My eyes watered as I smiled. "This has made you stronger." He whispered. Then he scooted closer to me. "I know for sure where my heart now lies." He whispered again. Then he leaned in and kissed me. It was a tender kiss, like we had been waiting for this moment. There was a hint of passion as his warm lips pressed against mine. Then he pulled away. I looked into his eyes and we kissed again.

~ end of flashback ~

I hadn't realised I had been crying. I had lingered here too long. He wasn't coming back. Not ever. He was gone.

I ran out of the clearing and got back on my horse.

"Amin hiraeth, Eru." (I'm sorry, Eru)

Then we proceeded to a slow trot towards the Elven city.

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now