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Éowyn entered the room to see what all the commotion was about. The children were brought to the table to eat. The boy looked extremely weak and undernourished.

Raina removed her hand away from mine to tend to the boy. I couldn't help but feeling slightly empty without her touch. The boy's head was down and lolling to the side, his hair fell infront of his face limply and he looked like he could pass out at any time. From what you could see of his face, it was pale and there were large bags under his eyes.

"Alright. This may hurt just a little but it will return some of your strength." She said. I raised an eyebrow. She only gave me a look which said she knew what she was doing. The boy nodded, not being able to do much more. She placed a hand on his chest and closed her eyes tightly shut.

A warm orange glow emitted from her hand and spread across his ribcage, swirling. The boy's breath hitched a little before it returned to normal. The boy looked up. The bags under his eyes had gone and his face was a more healthy colour.

Raina opened her eyes and practically fell into the chair beside her. She looked completely drained.

"How did you do that?" Legolas asked in astonishment.

"Like I said... my powers are... limitless." She mumbled.

I got up and crouched down beside her. I put my hand under her chin and raised her head slowly. There were large bags under her eyes and her face was unnaturally pale. She was struggling to keep her eyes open. "Look at me." I commanded softly. She blinked blearily until her vision focused enough. "I want you to go to bed right now okay?" She shook her head. "No, come on you can barely keep your eyes open." She huffed and I could not help but smile slightly at her stubbornness.

I took her hand and hauled her to her feet. She swayed slightly and I let her get her balance. We began to walk slowly but it all became too much for her and she fell face first into my chest. She would never make it to the door. I scooped her up into my arms and Legolas' eyebrows wiggled at me. I rolled my eyes.

Raina began to giggle quietly. "What is it?" I asked.

"We have... been in this.... situation.... before, have we... not?" She asked with her eyes shut but her face pulled into a smile.

"Yes." I answered with a chuckle.

"We've got to stop... doing this. People will... talk." She said with a cheeky smile.

"I do not care what they say. And anyway, we wouldn't be in this situation if it were not for you trying to sacrifice yourself." I pointed out.

"Mmh?" Her eyebrow raised.

"Although it is commendable, I'll give you that." I added.

"If you were immortal, you would.... do it too. In fact... you would still do it... regardless." She said between breaths. "You are an... honourable man. I am lucky."

"You are an astounding woman. I do not know what I would be without you." We had reached the door to her room. "It is I, who is lucky." When Raina did not respond I looked down to her. She had passed out. "I love you more than life itself you know." I whispered to her. "You gave me a reason to hope, to be who I was born to be. You gave me a reason to love again." I placed her on the bed. "Sweet dreams, Princess of Mordor."


~Raina POV~

They are coming. Rohan's demise.

I bolted awake. My fatigue from yesterday had completely worn off. I climbed out of bed and saw I was still in the clothes I wore last night. Last night!
"You are an astounding woman. I do not know what I would be without you... you gave me a reason to love again. Sweet dreams-"
That was all I could remember in my half conscious state. I blushed at the memory and looked put on my red tunic and fitted pants that had been repaired along with my boots. I left my room and went to go and find the others.

The hall was a bustle of activity. How long had I been sleeping?

"Raina?" Legolas called. "Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine now." I answered. "But what's going on?"

"The king has given the order. We are to go to Helms Deep, the fortress of Rohan. Gather your things, we will be leaving shortly." He told me. "We are to be riding with the king and his nieces." So that's why I didn't see Théodra this morning. I nodded to Legolas and went back to my room.

I could not help but remember the warning in my dream. Well, it was more of a taunt. Rohan's demise.

I grabbed my tunics and spare pants and threw them into my bag. I grabbed my belt and put it around my waist and secured the buckle. My two daggers were at the foot of my bed and I hooked them into my belt. I put my bow and quiver over my shoulders, grabbed my bag and rushed out of the door and back into the hall.

"Raina! There you are! Are you feeling better?" Théodra asked. "I was going to wake you up this morning but you looked like you needed the rest."

"I am fine, thank you." I assured. "What do we do now?"

"Well we will be departing in a few minutes so I suggest you get your horse ready." I nodded thanks and made my way to the stables.

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now