The Mirror

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~ still raina ~

Aragorn smiled sadly at me. I looked at him in confusion. "What is it?" I asked. He sighed.

"I did not mean to hurt you." He dropped his head.

"What do you-"

"You know what I mean." He interrupted, raising his head. "I did not wish to upset you. It was wrong of me to blame you. You had no control in the mines."

"Aragorn, all is forgiven. I should have told you." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Sleep. I will see you in the morning." I smiled. "quel du (good night)"

"Good night Raina." He replied, smiling. I got up to leave. "Raina?" Aragorn called. I turned around.


"I- nevermind."

I nodded my head at him. Brows knitted in confusion. I began to walk towards the other end of camp to sleep. Even though the fellowship had welcomed me with open arms, I still felt I needed to distance myself from them a little; especially now that Gandalf... I shook my head and blinked back the tears. I lay out my bedroll and lay down on the soft grass. I could still hear the elven voices floating through the air. It was very peaceful and soon I felt my eyelids drooping and I fell asleep.

Galadriel's face flashed through my mind and I woke up with a jolt. I wish she wouldn't do that! I got up from my bedroll knowing that she wished to speak to me but I didnt know where to start looking for her.

Before I had time to ponder this, my feet were already taking me to where I needed to go.

I walked through the forest and into a secluded garden. A fountain was in the centre and it was surrounded by shrubbery and flowers.

"Greetings, child." Said Galadriel. She was sitting on a stone bench, her eyes transfixed on me, making me become self concious.

"Lady Galadriel." I greeted with a bow.

"There is no need for formalities here, child. Tell me, do you know why I summoned you here?" She asked. I shook my head. "I wish for you to look into the mirror." Her head turned towards a mirror on a pedestal in the next garden area.

"What will I see?" I questioned.

"Many things." Said the Lady Galadriel, obscurely. I took a tentative few steps towards it. She poured the water into it. I looked at her uncertainly. She only slowly nodded her head. I leaned over to see.

I stood with the fellowship near Gondor. Only, I was not standing with them, I was slaughtering them. I came up from behind them and stabbed and mutilated them. Legolas' neck snapped at an unnatural angle and he fell with a grunt. My eyes were a glowing orange and I was dressed in black armour with a spiked helmet. I grabbed hold of Aragorn.

"Raina, this isn't you! Don't do this." He pleaded. I stabbed him anyway. Specks of blood came out of his mouth and the light went out of his eyes.

"No!" I yelled. But the vision was not over.

"Raina! Daughter! Look how great you could be! Won't you join me?" Sauron asked.

"Never!" I yelled. He cackled.

"You do not have a choice. Soon you will not be able to abide me. I will make my move soon." Then, he was gone.

I pulled away from the mirror. Terror consumed me.

"I know what it is you saw." Spoke Galadriel, startling me. "It is what will happen if you do not find an anchor to keep you from swaying to the darkness. They will stop this from happening. If you do not find your anchor, it will not matter if we defeat the dark lord or not, because you would replace him. You are almost as powerful as him without a ring. We do not want you to stray into enemy hands. You are too valuable." She said seriously. I was dumbfounded. I could kill everyone...

"Sleep, child." Ordered the Lady Galdriel softly. "You have much to think over." I nodded my head, and left.

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now