Warg Attack

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AN: Hi guys, just to let you know, we have a winner for the ship contest! Too_sarcastic's character will be featured in an upcoming chapter! :) I know I haven't updated in a while, and I am truly sorry. I have been busy making a trailer for this story! :D it's currently in progress and will be uploaded to YouTube, I'll let you guys know when it's published if you are interested in giving it a watch. I've also started my gcse's so I've been quite busy with that. I never planned to leave this story for more than a week but unfortunately I think I was being a little too optimistic at that. Again, I apologize. Anyways, on with the story! :-)

Aragorn didn't even give me one glance since he left. Not one. He sat quietly chatting with Éowyn, eating some of her stew and holding in a grimace.

"Raina?" I looked up.

"Hello, Théodra." I greeted.

"What is the matter?" She asked.

"Aragorn thinks there is something going on with myself and Legolas." I sighed.

"And is there?" She demanded, a slight hint of venom in her tone. I inwardly smiled, she felt territorial.

"No, of course not! He is like a brother to me."

Her shoulders relaxed. She cleared her throat. "Good. It's just- I think-" She sat down next to me and whispered, "I think I have... feelings for him."

I wide smile crossed my face. "I knew it!" I whisper-shouted. She elbowed me.

"Please, please don't say anything!" She begged, eyes wide.

I chuckled. "I won't, as long as you tell him otherwise I might be inclined to."

"No don't! I will just... not yet."

"Well don't be time-wasting. If one thing I've learned during my long life on this earth, is that time is short, live in the moment, before the moment is gone forever. He likes you back, you know."

Théodra's eyes widened like saucers. "Wha-what? Don't be silly!" She looked to the ground, blushing slightly.

"Why is it everyone can see that you like each other, other than you two?"

"Shh!" She hushed me. Legolas walked past us, he looked over at Théodra, smiling, the tips of his ears going the slightest bit pink. Awww.

"Where are you going, if I may ask?" I looked at him accusingly.

"To scout ahead, is that okay with you?" He asked sarcastically.

"Oh fine, fine." I held in a smile as Legolas and Théodra looked at each other.

"I shall speak to you later." Legolas said softly to Théodra.

"Farewell." She whispered back.

"Bye Leggy!" I shouted to his retreating back. Théodra elbowed me again.

"What did you say that for?!" I just laughed and pulled her hair out of its braid. Her hair poofed out, sticking up at what should of been unnatural angles. I held her hair ribbon triumphantly in my hand. "Give that back!" She screeched and began to chase me around a rock.

"No can do! By the Valar, Legolas has better hair than everyone! Does that not worry you?"

"What do you mean?" She shouted whilst trying to tackle me to the floor. Unfortunately for her, she was wearing a long dress, I was wearing a tunic.

"He might spend more time brushing his hair than in your company!" I laughed with a wink to show her I was joking.

"Raina!" She yelled. We stopped our chasing game when we heard a commotion on the hill.

"Wargs!" Aragorn yelled. "We're under attack!"

I looked towards Théodra. "Round up the villagers!" I unsheathed my sword. "Go!" I ordered. Théodra sprang to life, helping the women to their feet.

I raced to the top of the hill and let out a shrill whistle. Eru came bounding from the hillside. I mounted her and ran towards the fray. I was met with Legolas who had also mounted his horse and was firing arrows at incoming wargs. I galloped into battle and slashed at every warg that crossed my path.

My sword became black with blood. An orc bounded towards me on it's beast and tried to decapitate me. I ducked it's crude sword and sent mine for its throat, spraying black blood onto my face. I grimaced and carried on fighting. I was knocked off Eru and onto the floor by a warg and it went to attack me. It was stopped short when a spear from one of Rohan's soldiers impaled it. I began to fight on foot, Eru was nowhere to be seen.

~Aragorn POV~

I was hacking and slashing any creature that got in my way. I saw Raina get knocked off her horse and nodded to a soldier to throw his spear at the beast circling her. I saw her stone the lady Galadriel gave her slip out of her pocket unnoticed. Raina had already began to fight again and did not pick it up. I huffed and ran towards where it lay, a few feet away from me and placed it in my pocket.

I began stabbing at the orcs, I mounted a warg with the rider still mounted and head butted it. I then lost my balance and fell from the horse, but my arm was trapped in the leather strap on the warg. I managed to stab the orc and it let out a growl before I pushed it off. I tried to free my arm, noticing we were getting closer and closer to the edge of a cliff...

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