The Calming of Brego

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I weaved in and out of the bustle of hurrying men, women and children who were wildly packing supplies on to carts for Rohan's evacuation. I went into the stables and quickly located Eru.

"Hello there, mellon. Have you been treated well?" I whispered to her. She whinnied in reply. "Do you want an apple?" I grabbed the fruit from a nearby basket. "Here." I extended my hand and watched as she munched on the apple happily.

"She is a loyal companion." I heard a voice from behind me.

"Yes, she is." I answered, turning towards Aragorn. "I had a feeling you would be here."

He smiled and picked up a saddle and cloak. "Yes. I love horses, I used to tend to them when I was in Rivendell. My favourite pass time was to ride."

"Mine too. Just the feeling of galloping through the grassy plains with just yourself and the horse makes you feel so..."

"Free." We said at the same time. I blushed.

There was a nearby commotion and the sound of a startled horse could be heard.

"I will go see what's wrong." Aragorn said.

"I'll come with you." I said, closing the stable door and giving Eru one last pat.

A horse was on its rear legs as it was trying to be led out of the stable on a rope. It whinnied in distress. We headed towards the animal slowly. Aragorn put his saddle down and began to soothe the horse in elvish.

"Be still. Be still." He said.

"Calm, calm. Nobody will hurt you." I cooed.

Aragorn took the rope from the guard and gently pulled the horse towards him. I cautiously moved around Aragorn and the rope and took slow, gentle steps towards the horse. I extended my hand and the horse whinnied yet again.

"You are safe. You are safe friend. My kingsman and I will not hurt you. Nobody will hurt you."

I extended my hand again and stroked the horse's mane. The horse began to still but still made the odd whimper.

"Be still." Aragorn commanded the horse gently and untied him.

"His name is Brego." Éowyn said. "He was my cousin's horse." She looked away sadly. I kept on stroking Brego's mane to soothe him.

"Brego." Aragorn said. "Your name is kingly." He said to Brego. "Man cenich? (What do you see)"

"I have heard of the magic of the Elves but I did not look for it in a Ranger from the North. I thought Raina might, but... if you don't mind me asking," she said turning to look directly at me. "What race are you? I can see you are half elf but... there is something else."

"I am... complicated." I said, turning away. Aragorn could sense that I was uncomfortable.

"Turn this fellow free. He has seen enough of war."

He put a hand on my back and guided me past the horse. He grabbed his saddle and cloak and we left the stables.

"What about Eru?" I asked.

"Somebody is already tending to her. She will be brought to you."

"Oh, okay. What was it like growing up in the city of elves?" I asked, changing the topic.

"It was... peaceful."

"That sounds nice."

"It was. However, I was quite a troublesome boy." A smirk made its way onto his face. "I remember when Legolas used to visit, we would play pranks to liven up the place."

"What sort of pranks?" My interest peaked.

"We would creep into Lord Elrond's study and find him asleep on top of mounds of paperwork. We used to draw on his face and he would walk through the halls with love hearts on his forehead." I laughed. "The best part was, it took quite a few washes to get the ink of his face. He was furious." He chuckled.

"That sounds wonderful! What else did you used to do?"


"My Lord Aragorn, Lady Raina! I apologize for interrupting but we are ready for departure. I have been sent to escort you to accompany the king." We nodded and followed the guard.

AN: heeeyy guuuyyys!! How you been? Has anybody watched the new Poldark starring Aidan Turner? I know it's on tv in Britain but I don't know about anywhere else.

I want to thank each and every one of you, yes you! Right there! Reading this! You are AWESOME! My story has hit over 10k views and I was squealing so much! I honestly did not imagine this would happen or that anybody would even read my story and I'm grateful for each and every person that has voted, commented or even just read my story. It means a lot to know that people are enjoying it!

I will be doing a sequel. It is already up and running but I will not be writing any chapters until I have finished this work. It is called "Daughter of Sauron." Original. I thought I'd better keep the title simple. It will be a Kili/Raina fanfic. In that book though, she will be a lot more sarcastic and a bit broody. But I'm sure cheeky chappy Kili will change all that! :D

As always, thanks for reading! Especially if you read all of my AN. You get a cookie. It's a double update so expect a new chapter tonight or tomorrow. Poldark's on in half an hour so I'll be watching that. ;)


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