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~still Raina~

We rode on horses that the Rohirrim gave us to the direction the man pointed to. I ended up riding with Aragorn on a beautiful horse named Hasufel. It got me thinking about my horse, Eru, who I had to leave behind in Rivendell. I hope she is doing alright.

As we neared the pile, the smell of death became almost unbearable. An Uruk head was left on a spike as a warning to any other foul creature that entered these lands.

I got off the horse, closely followed by Aragorn, and wasted no time in looking for the hobbits. I searched around the clearing, not wanting to look into the pile in fear of what I would see. When I found nothing, I went back to the others. Gimli was looking though the pile of bodies, moving burned limbs with his axe. But then he stopped abruptly and I let out a gasp.

"It's one of their wee belts." Whispered Gimli in shock. Legolas murmured a prayer under his breath.

We failed them. We were too late. We lost Gandalf, Boromir and now Merry and Pippin. The hobbits were so young, they had lots to live for, they were lively, happy, funny and amazing. They lightened up the fellowship's mood when we were down with their antics and remarks. Now they're gone. Why couldn't it have been me?! What have I got to live for? I keep being dragged back from death. There is nothing for me here. Why them?

Aragorn kicked a helmet and yelled in frustration, anger, hurt and loss.

we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them we failed them.

I let out a scream. "No! This isn't happening!"

I was losing control. The Phoenix is coming.

"See what you did, child? You couldn't even protect those you love. I will find you. And this time, I shall kill everybody you care about. Last chance. Won't you join me?" The Phoenix sneered in a harsh, whispery voice.

"I told you! No! I will never join you. And I WILL protect my friends until my last breath. Now get out of my head!!" I screamed.

"But I am everywhere... I am you. I am darkness. I am anger. You are part of me. You cannot hide. I will bring you home!"

Then he was gone.

"-You there? Raina? We found a lead!" Somebody shook me. "Come on!" Legolas shouted. I snapped out of it.

"Oh, uh what?"

"Look." Legolas said. Aragorn was feeling his way through the tracks. I followed him curiously.

"Their hands were bound." Said Aragorn. Hope filling his voice. "Their bonds were cut! They ran over here, they were followed. The tracks lead away from the battle!" He shouted, running towards the treeline. "Into Fangorn Forest."

We stood among the looming dark trees. "Fangorn? What madness drove them in there?" Gimli pondered.

"There's only one way to find out." I piped up, walking into the forest. I had to duck under the brush and under thick branches. A branch was dragged along with me. "Be carefu-" I was too late. The branch twanged back into Aragorn's face and he let out a grunt. "Oops, sorry." I replied sheepishly, but still trying to contain my laughter at the look on his face.

"It was quite alright, Raina." He said, trying to hold back a smile. I quickly turned around before he could see the huge, cheesy grin spreading across my face.


We were deep within the forest looking for any sign of Merry and Pippin when gimli spotted a substance which I was all too familiar with on the leaves of a bush. He dipped his finger into the liquid and tasted it before spitting it out!

"Ugh! Orc blood!" Gimli announced.

We were close! We jumped over a small stream to the other side and continued our pursuit. We will find them. We have to. Aragorn ran ahead and was watching the ground intently.

"These are strange tracks." Gimli and Legolas began to mutter about the forest.

"What do you think it is?" I asked Aragorn, standing next to him.

"I do not know. But whatever it is, we must hope it does not have the hobbits." He said gravely. The trees began to groan around us, unsettled with our presence. Gimli raised his axe in fear, this made the trees groan louder.

"Gimli!" Aragorn hissed. "Lower your axe!"

"Oh." Gimli cautiously dropped his axe. He seemed extremely nervous under the cover of the trees.

"They have feelings, my friend. The elves began it. Waking up the trees, teaching them to speak."

"Talking trees." Gimli said in bewilderment. "What do trees have to talk about? Except the consistency of squirrel droppings." He added with a mutter. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh but then I went quiet.

"Do- do you feel that?" I asked legolas.

"Aragorn, something's out there!" Warned legolas, in elvish.

"What do you see?" He asked. Legolas was scanning the forest. Because I was only half elven, I did not have as good eyesight as an elf. However, it was still better than the average human.

"The white wizard approaches."

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now