Chapter 24

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Please don't hate the character of Louis, I know he can be a dick and annoying but I promise he gets better :) (Inbox me any Nourry ideas you have! I got one but need a range of options) and I promise I'll start making more Ziam soon!

Harry knocked on the door, waiting for Louis to answer. He doesn't know why he's here, he knows Louis has a date with Niall tonight but he had this weird urge to come.

Louis opens the door, surprised by Harry's being there. "Oh hey Haz." He smiles kindly, opening the door wider.

"Hey Lou, mind if I come in for a bit?" He asks just to be sure.

Louis shakes his head. "No not at all." He opens the door completely and Harry slowly walks in and waits for Louis to close the door before walking further into the house. "So what brings you here?"

"I don't know actually." Harry says sheepishly.

"Did you want a drink?" Louis asks walking into the kitchen where Harry followed.

"No I'm fine." Harry answers so instead of stopping at the kitchen, Louis walks into the lounge room.

"Well if it means anything, I'm happy to see you." Louis smiles.

Harry smiles back. His stomach was doing flips and he hasn't even been here 2 minutes. Just Louis' presence makes him nervous.

Louis sits on the chair, while Harry sits on the armrest of the couch opposite. "So big date tonight?" Harry asks to start conversation, though he wished he didn't. This is just weird.

And by the look on Louis' face, Harry has a feeling Louis feels the same. "Yeah, but nervous actually."

"Oh whys that?" Harry asks out of curiosity. Obviously Louis likes Niall but he's normally the confident type.

Louis shrugs. "Never really been on a date."

Harry raises an eyebrow. "You've never organised one or never been taken on one?"

Louis looks to the floor, looking embarrassed. "Both." he murmured.

Harry was a bit surprised. He knew Louis wasn't the dating kind but he would've expected someone to have at least taken him on a date.

"And which are you tonight?" Harry questions, no judgement in his voice.

Louis smiles softly. "The organiser."

Harry nods, quickly thinking to himself. "Then how about I be the first to take you on a date?"

Louis looks at Harry, a fond smile on his face. "I'd like that." He answers, making Harry smile.

Harry stands up. "Right, I'll text you tomorrow then."

Louis follows Harrys actions and stands up also. "Looking forward to it."

Now this was the confusing part. Harry didn't know whether to kiss Louis or hug him or just do nothing. So he really just stood there awkwardly until he came up with a plan of attack in his mind.

Harry takes one long stride up to Louis and leans in. Louis closes his eyes but opens again when feeling only a soft kiss press against his cheek. He smiles, liking the small gesture, more so because he's not used to them.

"Alright then, I'll be off." Harry slowly says, pointing to the door.

Louis nods, amused by Harry's shyness. He walks Harry to the door and waves until him and his car had disappeared into the distance.

Louis sighs walking back into the house. He knows it was a dumb idea to do this three way relationship, it was selfish of him to suggest it and expect Harry and Niall to happily go along with it.

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