Chapter 41

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"I texted him...whoops." Louis reads out the text from Zayn to Niall.

"So much for agreeing with our advice." Niall huffs.

"I can see why he did it though. Liam's his first true love. The feelings are always going to be there, especially considering he didn't break things off." Louis says.

Niall was looking at his phone intently. Louis' voice was just blurred in the background as he spoke.

"Niall. Niall." Louis sighs. "Are you even listening to me?" He asks, walking over and tapping him in the head.

"What?" He looks up. "Sorry."

"What's wrong?" Louis squats in front of him so he was at eye level.

"Ah you know how Liam told Zayn he was single." Louis nods his head. "Yeah well I messaged Harry because I swore he said something about Liam and a guy...and guess what?"

Louis waits for Niall to continue but he's waiting for a reply. "What?" He says.

"Liam's going out with this guy named James. It's been going on for like 2 or 3 months and Harry even said that James asked Liam to move in with him." Niall repeated what was said in the text.

Louis' eyebrows crease in confusion and he stands up straight. "None of this makes any sense." He mutters, walking towards the kitchen.

Niall stands up from the chair and follows him. "Think about it from what Zayn said. Maybe he didn't want to tell Zayn he was in a relationship because he was the one that ended things between them and didn't want to hurt Zayn in anyway."

Nodding his head, Louis agreed. "Yeah that has to be it. Because though they may still love each other they'd never do anything while they're in a relationship."

"No of course not, that's just morally wrong." Niall continued. "I feel like this is a situation they need to work out on their own though. Because we don't understand enough."

Louis shrugs his shoulders. "I feel like I have an understanding in some way."

"How?" Niall sits back against the bench, while Louis pondered in the fridge for a drink.

"I don't know. When you have strong feelings towards someone you say things in the heat of the moment, whether it be the right thing to say or not. Right moment or not, it just is said." He says it so casually, it makes Niall question when he had done something like that and who with.

Niall didn't comment on what Niall said, instead changing the subject. "Have you found something to drink yet?" He asks, moving over to Louis at the fridge.

And in the exact moment Niall reached Louis, Louis stood up and turned his face towards Niall and within the second they were face to face, only inches apart.

Louis swallows thickly, but a smile comes onto his face. "Yeah I found Apple juice in the back of the fridge." He comments holding up the juice, moving away from in front of Niall to get the cups.

Niall stood there for a moment before regaining his composure. "Well if it's not out of date I'll have a glass." He says.

"If it's not out of date." Louis mimicked him. "Of course it's not out of-oh wait-" Louis mutters, checking the expiring date. "Yeah it went out of date 2 weeks ago."

Niall laughs lightly. "I'm fine with water then."

"No no." Louis says. "I think we have chocolate milk too." He goes back to the fridge, bending down to find the bottle. Niall noticed how nice his butt looked in those jeans. He'd always thought it, since he met Louis, so it doesn't mean anything more then it is. "Ah here it is." He pulls it out, checking the expiring date first. "Still has a solid 3 days until it's no good."

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