Chapter 38

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I swear half this story is just pointless conversation between the characters...

And not long to go until the end!! I still haven't worked out what the end is but it's coming haha

Not edited! Sorry for mistakes!

"Stop." Niall hisses.

"Oh come on Ni." Louis smiles. "You know you want to." He cautiously leans down, as he hovers above Niall's body, to kiss his neck.

"Doesn't mean it's the right thing to do." Niall says but doesn't argue as Louis presses his body down on his. Feels so good. Feels too good.

"Well you know me." Louis breaths. "I've never been one to do the right thing." He presses his lips against Niall's softly. "Only what feels right." He smirks.

Niall watches Louis closely. What feels right is this. This has always felt right. He grabs Louis' shirt and pulls him closer, causing Louis to smile.

"That's right baby. Don't resist it." Louis unbuckled Nialls pants, slowly pulling them down. Niall thrusts up to make it easier for Louis to do so, feeling his hot breath close to his lower region, making him squirm.

Louis chuckles at Niall's impatience and being the gentleman he is decided it's best not to tease too much on this occasion. He pulls Niall's underwear down with his pants as quickly as he could, because though Niall is impatient, Louis himself wants a proper taste of Niall.

Niall pulls his shirt off, Louis following his actions, showing off his bare chest and causing the unsettling, yet comforting feeling in Niall's stomach to return.

Louis kisses down Niall's chest, until he reached his cock. Louis licks his lips, watering his mouth with his saliva. Louis starts by slowly pumping Niall's cock, hardening it until it was flopping back onto Niall's chest.

Taking it in his mouth Louis licks and bobs his head as low as he can. He could feel Niall's dick hit the back of his throat and god he tasted and felt good.

"Oh fuck." Niall breathed, eyes shut tight. "Right there. Yes. Oh god. Yes." His hands grub the bed and he breathes heavily.

"Niall baby, you finally waking up?" Niall hears, and slowly opens his eyes, looking down to see not Louis between his legs, but Harry.

"What?" Was he dreaming?

"You were having one of those dreams again, so I thought I'd help you out." Harry explains. "And I do know a blowjob is the best way to be woken up." He smirks, wrapping his mouth back around Niall's cock.

Niall closes his eyes again, letting Harry's mouth give him the pleasure and the release he needs. He bucks his hips up, his cock filling Harry's mouth.

Harry moans, causing a vibration to run through Niall's body and call Harry's name out. "Fuck Harry. Let me fuck your mouth."

Harry continues to moan as he bobs his head as far as he could. Harry knew Niall was close and so he pumped his cock with his hand in sync with the bobbing of his head, giving Niall double the pleasure.

"I'm gonna-" Niall couldn't finish his sentence as his breath was running low and his body was in all sorts of pleasure and the feeling took over his thoughts and body.

Harry continues his actions with more force until Niall releases in his mouth. Harry swallowed, licking off the cum from Niall's cock before licking his lips. "Mm." He hums, a cheeky smile on his face.

Niall laughs lightly, tilting his head back. "Blow jobs really are the best way to be woken up."

"Saves you having a cold shower or finishing the job yourself." Harry shrugs.

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