Chapter 3

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Finally updated! Enjoy ;)

"Okay this is getting ridiculous. I can tell your sick of the teasing and I'm sure as hell sick of it. My place 9.00." Harry tells Louis. He didn't care that Niall and Zayn were with him, Harry couldn't deal with just the teasing anymore. He had to have Louis. Harry handed Louis a slip of paper which had his address written on it and turned away, leaving before Louis could even say anything to him.

Once Harry was gone in the distance and entered the school, Louis turned to Niall and Zayn with a cheeky smile across his face. He fanned himself with the piece of paper, without even looking at it because he already knew what it was. Zayn rolled his eyes, while Niall just laughed at him. "Do you know what's written on this?" Louis asked the two boys standing in front of him.

"Harry's adr-" Zayn started.

"It's Harry's address!" Louis inturrupted enthusiastically. He finally opened the paper and looked at the address and smiled down at it. "It's Harry's address." He repeated but more quietly to himself. He smiled hugely up at the boys, who didn't really seem to care too much. Louis was so happy he did a little dance. He didn't care who saw, well except Harry, but knowing Harry wasn't around Louis decided to dance, to show how good he felt.

Zayn rolled his eyes again, but in a slightly ruder way. "Geez, it's not like it was never going to happen."

"I'm happy. Who cares if it were going to happen, it's happening tonight." Louis said.

"No need to dance like an idiot." Zayn replied. He had been in a bad mood all morning, saying rude remarks or comments or just not even bothering to engage in conversation.

"Oh shoosh with your sour mood Malik. Just because I'm getting laid tonight and your not, doesn't mean you have a right to be a shithead." Louis barked back. Niall shifted uncomfortably in his spot. Louis and Zayn sometimes fight, especially when it comes to sexual partners but this time seems different. Zayn looks pissed for reasons and Louis looks pissed because Zayn ruined his mood. Niall's sort of the one that keeps them under control. Friends with benefits only works to a certain extent.

"Oh please, took you long enough to get Harry. If you didn't already know Lou, I've already fucked him." Zayn harshly remarks.

Louis looks like he could just pounce on Zayn in anger and beat the living daylights out of him. He goes to open his mouth but Niall buts in. "Alright I think that's enough." He sighs. "At least don't fight about a fucking stupid thing like who has slept with who. You're fucking best friends for crying out loud." Niall tells them. They mumble things that Niall can't quite understand but he knows that they'll keep biting each others heads off if he doesn't say anything. "Firstly, Zayn stop being such an arse-hole because you can't get anything up your arse-hole." He says. Louis sniffles a laugh but Niall wasn't done. "And Louis stop being such a dick. It took you like 2 weeks prior to holidays plus this whole week to get Harry to crack, and he's a fucking slut when he want's to be." This time it was Zayn to attempt to hide back a laugh. "So both of you stop being such twats and get on with life." He finishes, taking a deep breath.

Zayn and Louis looked at each other knowing Niall was right. Zayn nodded. "Fine." He grumbled. "Sorry."

"Yeah, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have shoved anything in your face, though I'm having sex tonight and your not, not with me anyway." Louis, kind of, returns the apology.

Niall gives them the thumbs up. "At least we are all on the same page." He says sarcastically. "School starts soon and oh, look theres Liam pulling up in his car, why don't you go talk to him Zayn. As for me I'm heading to my locker." Niall gives them a tight smile and walks off. Zayn looked to where Niall pointed to and saw that in fact, Liam was now parked and was sitting in his car. He was smiling down at his phone and Zayn wondered who was making him smile like that.

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