Chapter 21 (2nd)

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Okay so people were saying how they couldn't read chapter 21 because it's on private! So as well as that chapter, I've posted this one and it's exactly the same but without the smut! So yeah :) enjoy if you haven't read it!

The morning after was an eventful one. Zayn was happy. And Liam was happy. That was until he saw Harry.

"What happened last night?" Harry practically yells at Liam.

What?" Liam asks.

"Don't play games with me Liam." He rolls his eyes. "I've seen Zayn and it looks like he's got a pole shoved up his arse."

Liam gaped up at Harry. "What?" He repeated and Harry's tone softened. Liam was sitting under a tree during lunch.

"You and Zayn? Last night?" He asked much less confident then he was 1 minute ago.

Liam felt terrified and shook his head. "No." He lies.

"Oh." Harry breaths. Liam stares at him. "Right, sorry." He mumbles, sitting down beside him. Now Harry feels stupid. He came here yelling and it wasn't even what he thought it was.

"What's so bad about Zayn anyway? You get so angry when you think something's up with us." Liam says. This was the perfect opportunity to hear it from Harry instead of Liam just assuming reasons.

Harry sighs. "Because you're one of the good ones Liam." He gives a small smile. "You aren't like me in a fucking 3-way relationship or going around sleeping with every guy you can get."

"And what does that have to do with Zayn?"

"Because he's not so good. Yeah he's a great guy but he uses people. I know you're old enough to make your own decisions but I don't want you getting involved with him because the people who do, always end up getting hurt."

"Does that mean he hurt you?" Liam asks him quietly, remembering the time when Harry mentioned him and Zayn had a thing.

Harry's jaw clenches and he looks to the floor. "Ah I guess you could say that."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Harry shakes his head. "No it was just a silly crush at the time." He lightly smiles. "I liked him before we got together and that was the problem."

"What happened after that?" Liam was so curious at this point. He can't believe that Harry ever liked Zayn. It just seems odd. Maybe because he is the one that likes Zayn now.

"Nothing." Harry answered simply. "Our fling lasted for a couple weeks and then it just stopped and yeah I talk to him sometimes and he's a great guy, like I said, but at the time it hurt because I thought maybe something could've happened." He shrugs.

"Doesn't matter now though because now I got two." He chuckles. Something in Harry's voice made Liam frown.

"Whats wrong now?" Liam questions. He knew there was something.

Harry stares at a spot in front of him. "I know I'm just the third wheel. It's so obvious. It's always been Niall and Louis. I've just been a player in the game."

"They care for you. You know that." Liam tries to comfort Harry's thoughts. He's feeling like he's only there because Louis and Niall are too scared for it to just be the two of them.

Harry nods. "I know that. But that doesn't make it feel any better."

"Then why continue? If it's hurting you and you know the feelings aren't completely there, then why stay?" How did this conversation become so deep?

Harry shrugs but smiles. "Because it's better then nothing." He answers. "I like them both and if this is the only way I can get close to them then so be it."

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