Chapter 40

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5 months later

"Hey." Zayn called out, seeing the familiar face walking away from the front counter, with what he assumed to be his usual chai latte in hand.

"Hey." Liam greets, walking over to Zayn, who still looked as good as always, if not better. "How are you?"

"I'm pretty good actually." Zayn answers, a small smile on his face. "Wanna stay for a chat?" He asks, pointing to the seat across from him.

Zayn was sitting alone, drinking his cappuccino. He likes it here because he can just think. Plus Louis bailed on him. Typical.

"Oh I don't know, I need to really be getting somewhere." Liam nods his head to the door. He really was meant to be meeting up with someone, it wasn't just an excuse, though he was nervous to be around Zayn again after so long.

"Oh c'mon. Just to talk. Nothing more." He raises an eyebrow. "Just catch up. Feels like I haven't spoken to you in so long. We may have broken up but doesn't mean we have to be strangers when we see each other."

"Alright. It has been a couple months since I saw you last. My plans can delay for an hour." Liam smiles. "Besides, we're in an open public area so if you were planning on doing something, it will be a bit difficult." He jokes, wanting this to be a nice, fun talk.

"I wouldn't doubt my abilities." Zayn snickers, a smirk on his face.

"Yeah I really should know better." Liam laughs.

Zayn takes a sip of his coffee, looking at Liam. "Anyway how have you been? How's collage?"

Liam shrugs. "Collage isn't too bad. I mean it only really just started but the atmosphere is pretty crazy!" His eyes light up thinking about it and Zayn smiles wide.

"What do you expect? You got into the course you wanted and to get into that you've got to be smart for that, so the place has to be grand." He says and Liam didn't even look away at the sly compliment. Instead he smiled and nodded his head.

"Yeah it's pretty spectacular. My classes aren't too bad. The people are really nice there too!" He comments.

"You living in a dorm there?" Zayn questions.

Liam shakes his head. "No..not at the moment anyway. I've been considering it because it would make it easier for me then driving up there each day. But I don't know, I'm used to living pretty much on my own." It would be strange living with someone, especially one he doesn't personally know.

"Yeah I can understand that!" Zayn thought about his living arrangements. "I mean there's the possibility you could become really good friends with your roommate though."

"Yeah, but on the other hand I could hate the guy." Liam laughs.

"Or you could have a potential sleeping buddy." Zayn shrugs and though he was making a joke the mood shifted to an awkward silence.

"What about you?" Liam moves the attention away from him. "How's collage for you?"

"Yeah about that." Zayn awkwardly chuckles. "I decided not to go." He says.

"What why?" Liam knew how smart Zayn really was and how much he was interested in English so he was surprised.

"I don't know, I didn't get into the exact course I wanted and I lost a bit of motivation." He explains. "I was thinking about just going for a different course but then the boys offered me a job at the tattoo parlour and so I'm working there now."

"As long as you enjoy it there." Liam says sternly, wanting the best for Zayn's future and he nods his head. "I was actually thinking about getting a tattoo." He then tells Zayn.

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