Chapter 1

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I'm actually pretty excited about this fanfic! Enjoy :) And not edited so sorry if any mistakes!

Liam slightly shifted in his chair once the black haired boys eyes had moved back to the front of the room. He has never seen him around the school before and feels a bit uncomfortable being looked at or judged. Liam would have to get used to it though, it was his choice moving to this class in the second semester when they had all been together in the first.

Liam was nervous but he felt better knowing Harry was in the class with him. Harry and him had been best friends since they were 5. Harry spoke to Liam when no one else would. Liam was very independent but Harry thought that everyone needs a friend and even though they are nearly complete opposites, they clicked immediately.

Liam focused his attention back to the lesson and tried to listen above all the talking at the back of the class. He would have to try get Harry to sit closer to the front with him so they can actually hear. Now, Liam wasn't a complete nerd, he just enjoyed reading and was set on getting good grades. He aimed high and if that meant he had to study more then so be it, he didn't mind anyway because he enjoyed to learn.

It was nearly impossible for Liam to concentrate though and because it was his first lesson in a new class he thought it was acceptable to slug off and wait until their next English Literature class to actually do some work; the first week back is never that important anyway but Liam feels that it's always good to listen because there are always things you can use in the future.

Zayn on the other hand couldn't really care less about what the teacher at the front is saying. It's his last year so he really should but he really didn't. All he could think about was this Liam boy and how he is possibly going to get him to even look at him, let alone get him to do things with him. Normally guys that Zayn chooses to sleep with don't even second guess what their doing but Zayn knows that Liam's different and will be much more of a challenge. Fuck, Zayn doesn't even know if he's gay! "What are you guys doing after school?" Zayn asked Niall and Louis who were in the middle of a conversation. Louis looked pissed that Zayn interrupted but Niall just smiled.

"Oh, Lou and I were going to go for footy try outs actually." Niall answered. Tap, tap, tap. "You should come with, I mean your not that great at playing but you'd most likely get in the team." Niall joked. Tap, tap, tap.

"Ha ha very funny, I'm not even that bad." Zayn pouted. Tap, tap, tap. "I mean, yes Niall I will come after school with you." Zayn smirked. Louis tried holding in a laugh but failed and Niall just smiled and shook his head. Zayn really is not that good at soccer and both Louis and Niall know that it's going to be a very amusing try out. "You both will see, you'll see that-" Tap, tap, tap. "Honestly who the fuck is making that noise?" Zayn growled, turning in his seat to look at the one making the noise.

Liam tapped his pen on his book. He's really not used to not doing any work. He was getting into a rhythm until someone said '...who the fuck is making that noise' and Liam kind of froze in his seat when the black haired boy from the start of class turned and gave Liam a deadly glare. Liam doesn't know yet but Zayn can be very scary, being one of the reasons he gets away with certain things. Liam quickly put the pen down and starred down at his desk until he felt those dark golden eyes were no longer on him.

Harry must of noticed what happened and gave Liam a pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry about him yeah, he's actually not that scary." He said.

"Who is he?" Liam finally asked. He'd been thinking it since he first saw his eyes on him. He seemed mysterious and Liam hasn't interacted with someone like that before, but he guesses he hasn't really interacted with many people, so.

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