Chapter 23

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Thanks to @niallsmofo_37 for ideas for the coming chapters, not really in this one but soon! Go check out her stories and give her a follow! Not a massive chapter but yeah, enjoy :)

Song- Sugar by Maroon 5

To say he was nervous was an understatement. Zayn had never, never, done what he's about to do now in his life. It's a completely new experience.

It was one thing just to admit he had feelings for Liam but now he's going to have to express them. These aren't at all baby steps for him.

The whole drive Zayn tried coming up with things to say to Liam but he couldn't think of anything good. He'd think it was good at the beginning but continued to think about it and realised it's rubbish and start again.

So he came to the conclusion he'll think of something on the spot. He's always better under pressure then he is when he thinks about it.

He was happy though. He was bobbing his head to the music on the radio and singing along with a big smile on his face.

He was going to do this.

Zayn Malik was going to get himself a boyfriend.

Just thinking it sounds weird but he knows it's the right thing. Ever since the start when he first saw Liam, Zayn knew he was different from the rest. It wasn't just going to be a sleep with then that's all kind of thing. It was always something else more. He just never knew what.

Zayn pulled up in front of Liam's house, and walked up to the front door.

Well this is it. Once you enter this house in front of you, no more sleeping around.

Zayn takes a deep breath but can't help the jittery feeling in his stomach about seeing Liam and saying what he wants to hear.

Zayn knocked on the door and waited patiently for Liam to answer. At the moment the main goal is to not have the door slammed in his face.

Zayn hears footsteps and the door opens. Unfortunately for him, Harry was the one that answered.

He really needs to take his surroundings in. Harry's car is parked in the drive and he didn't even notice.

"Oh hey Zayn." Harry smiles, though confused at Zayn being here.

"Hey Harry." Zayn replies. Harry steps back and opens the door more, gesturing for Zayn to walk in. "Where's Liam?" He asked Harry as he walked further into the house.

"Just in the shower, he should be out soon." Harry answered and the thoughts in Zayn's head irrupted.

If only he could walk in that bathroom and step in that shower now and do the things he's thinking in his head.

"That's cool, I can wait." Zayn says instead. He sat the table and Harry sits beside him.

"You here about tutoring?" Harry asks. Zayn just nods. "Well don't worry, I won't be in your way. I'm just waiting for him to say bye and I'll be off."

Zayn smiles softy and nods again. It's weird because it doesn't feel like he's ever gotten to know Harry. He's slept with him and fucking yeah they had a good time but he's never really spoken to him in conversation properly. Just flirting and small chat.

He's got to be a good guy though if he's friends with Liam.

Zayn couldn't help but notice Harry staring at him. "Just a warning. Liam's been upset, all today and last night. So just be careful with him."

"Oh yeah. Of course." Zayn shifts in his chair. He's the reason why Liam's upset and he hates it. He didn't want to even think about Liam being upset. He knew he would be the one to hurt him but he really hoped he wouldn't. "We should hang out sometime." Zayn changes the subject.

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