Chapter 37

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Sorry it's a bad chapter :( Didn't have much time to write!

"Josh did you honestly need to call me to your office? If you didn't realise I have class." Zayn says.

"Just sit down." Josh says, giving Zayn a small smile to know that nothing bad will happen. Zayn sighs, sitting down in front of Josh, while Josh sat behind his desk. Luckily because he was a P.E teacher he got this tiny little office all to himself rather than sharing. "What happened?"

"Why would something have happened?" Zayn asks bitterly. When people turn on him, he turns on the rest of the world. He hates how stubborn he can be but it just happens.

"Louis' upset to." Josh replied.

Zayn can't help but roll his eyes. Of course he's concerned about Louis more than anything else. "The only thing I did wrong in this whole situation was punch Louis and as soon as I did it I apologised. So I don't understand why I'm the bad guy!"

"Wait, you punched Louis?" Josh asked surprised.

"Uh yeah, did you not see the giant purple mark on his jaw?" He rhetorically asked.

"Well he just texted me to say he won't be at training tonight because he's upset about something that happened, so no I haven't noticed the bruise." Josh explained.

"Oh." Well now Zayn feels even worse than before because now he's being an arse to Josh who is only trying to help.

"Do you know what you're going to do about it all?" Josh asks.

Zayn shakes his head. "I don't know how I'm meant to deal with it. I mean the only person who hasn't turned on me is Niall."

"I wouldn't say that Louis has turned on you-"

"You didn't see the look he gave me." Zayn interrupts. "And Harry threatened me and Liam's avoiding seeing or even talking to me."

"I think they just need space." Josh starts. "Louis is your best friend, I've witnessed myself how much he cares for you. He'll know that what you did was in the heat of the moment and that it was a mistake. He probably just needs time to think." He pauses, a small smile appearing on his face. "Knowing him, he is probably working on a plan for you to win Liam back because when he tells you himself that he forgives you, he'll want to be the amazing best friend he is, as well as the hero and tell you his plan."

Zayn couldn't help but smile because that's something Louis would do. It wouldn't matter how much time comes along, it won't be until he comes up with a bullet proof plan, if needed, that he will talk to that person again.

"I can deal with Harry, but what do I do about Liam hating me?" Zayn had to ask someone other than Niall. It was killing him knowing that Liam's probably more upset than he is.

"Well what actually happened?" Josh asks. "What's made him ignore you in the first place?"

"Well." Zayn breaths. "I was speaking to this guy and he kissed me and of course as soon as he did Liam was there and saw, and then it turned out that the guy that kissed me was the same guy I kissed at the party that made Liam and I break up the first time."

"Uh okay." Josh says slowly, trying to process all the information that was given to him too fast. "Maybe you should speak to this guy?" Josh asked unsure. "Like talk to the source causing the problems before trying to fix the mess."

Zayn eyebrows creased and he nodded. "Yeah that's a good idea. That way I know exactly what's going on before I talk to Liam, instead of winging it and probably making it worse!"

"Yeah?" Josh says slowly. "Exactly!"

"Sorry for having a go before. I do appreciate the help." Zayn smiles.

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