Chapter 13

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Yeah I made myself have writers block by continuously adding ships into this story and now I don't even know which one I want to end up together! Arg, so until I work that one out, here's a well needed Ziam chapter ;)

"Hey guys." Zayn smiled as he entered the tattoo parlour. The guys there all smiled and gave him a quick hello back.

One of them by the name of Elliot came up to him first, giving him one of those handshake hugs guys do. "What's up man, feels like I haven't seen you in ages." He grinned at Zayn showing off his dimples.

"Yeah I know, I've just had loads of crap on, school and that." Zayn shrugged. Elliot nodded understandingly.

"Could always drop out and come work here." He suggested.

Zayn chuckled. "Don't have long left now. Might when I'm finished though." He was planning on getting another tattoo but he wasn't exactly sure of what he wanted yet. He hadn't had any work done in a while.

Zayn got on well with everyone that worked here. He's become good friends with them actually. Whenever he has some spare time he generally stops by and just hangs out for a bit. Sometimes he helps with designs but mostly he just observes.

Zayn was looking at a few new sketches on the walls when his phone went off. He took his phone from his pocket and smiled once reading the text he had received. "Be right back." He called out.

He walked out the parlour and looked around. It didn't take him long to spot Liam. He was slowly walking towards Zayn, looking into the shops he walked by. As soon as he saw Zayn watching him his cheeks heated up and he gave him a shy smile.

"Glad you could make it." Zayn smirked.

"Yeah well I wasn't doing anything." He said.

"Well I really am glad." Zayn repeated with a crooked smile. Liam smiled back, his heart pumping. Zayn took ahold of his wrist and guided Liam into the shop.

It seemed like how you would imagine a tattoo parlour to look like. There were drawings all over the walls, magazines with designs, in the corner where the seating area was. They had multiple chairs where Liam assumed was where the customers would sit when getting work done.

Zayn let go of Liam's wrist. There were 3 guys standing and seated in front of him. The one behind the computer had blonde brown hair. He was quite young, possibly early twenties. His dimples became obvious when he sent Liam a smile.

Looking at them carefully, they all seemed to be young. The second guy who stopped his drawing to look over had black hair and bright green eyes.

And the third one, he had light blue hair and brown eyes. Bit strange but it seemed to work for him.

"Alright everyone this is my," Zayn paused for a moment. "this is my friend Liam. Liam this is Elliot, Ed and Michael." Liam felt a bit intimidated because all of Zayns buddies were covered in tattoos, as well as multiple piercings.

"Hi." Liam greeted simply. He really had no idea what to say.

"Aw aren't you a cutie." Michael cooed. Liam bit his tongue. He wanted to say something back but he didn't want to see rude or make a bad impression. Besides, plenty of people have called him 'cute' before.

Elliot rolled his eyes at Michael. "Ignore him." He told Liam. "He gets extremely annoying." Elliot seemed really nice. Liam liked him already.

"Yeah you're more of a hottie anyway." Michael said, a smirk on his face, looking right at Liam. He just wanted to mess with him a little.

Liam looked at Elliot who just shrugged. "He's not lying."

Zayn chuckled beside Liam. "Anyway." He gave Michael a smile. "As much as Liam is an extreme hottie, are you 3 the only ones in?" he asked. Liam felt his face turn red. Why did he agree to come?

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