Chapter 33

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Haven't re-read or edited so I'm so sorry if there's lots of mistakes!!

"Liam!" Zayn called, running after him. "Just wait will you." He catches up to Liam and grabs him by the arm.

Liam stops straight away knowing that there was no point in fighting.

Zayn looked to see Harry, Louis and Niall all in the main part of the store. "Can we just talk in private?" He asks. "Please."

Liam nods, not realising his previous instincts of reaction would cause a scene and didn't want to repeat.

He follows Zayn back to the room, taking small breaths. Zayn closes the door behind them and Liam's eyes go from the painting back to Zayn.

They just stood there in silence, neither knowing where to start. "How are you?" Zayn asks.

Liam snickers. "I don't know."

"That's fair enough." Zayn says. He takes a step forward, closer to Liam. "I'm so sorry for both what happened at the party and last night for not telling you when I had he opportunity."

"It's not completely your fault." Liam mumbles. "I didn't really give you a chance."

"Stop putting this back onto yourself." Zayn tells him. "You're not at fault for anything that happened. It's completely my mistake, which I'm going to try and fix no matter what."

Liam sighs. "I know you're sorry and I know you didn't mean it. That's why I came to talk to you." He talked quietly as if someone else was listening and he didn't want them to hear. "I was with Harry and he was comforting me. And he told me not to just throw things away because of this. So when Harry got a text from Niall asking if he could get me down here to talk, well I didn't have much of a choice."

"So what does this mean for us?" Zayn asks hopeful.

Liam ran his fingers through his hair as he replied. "I need some time. Alone."

Zayn understands why Liam would need time but after hearing what he had to say, he thought he would maybe take him back straight away, just taking it slow again though. "Why?"

Liam doesn't say anything and instead points at the painting Zayn had created earlier. Zayn just stares at him. "Isn't it obvious?" Liam asks. "What even is that Zayn?" His voice is almost desperate for a logical answer.

"It is what it looks like." Zayn whispers. There wasn't much he could explain. He didn't know how to explain it really. He thought about Liam and that's what managed to appear beneath him.

"It's beautiful, it really is Zayn. But fuck." Liam closes his eyes for a second before opening them again. "I don't understand you."

"Ask than. If that means you'll understand better." Zayn replied. He didn't want to say anything that would make Liam run off.

"I don't even think you understand yourself." Liam shrugs. "I didn't even know you painted before now." He frowns.

"What is it that's so bad?" Zayn questions. Liam's tiptoeing around it all. This is what's making him need more time and Zayn wants to know why. If anything he would expect Liam to have felt better about this relationship.

"Because one minute the only fucking thing you want from me is sex. And then we finally get together properly, and then you go kiss another guy. And now, and now you are painting a picture of us in suits, giving each other rings." Liam throws his hands in the air. "What is that even supposed to mean Zayn?"

"Doesn't it tell you what that means?"

"What? That you want to marry me?" Liam asked, absolutely confused. "If that's the message your trying to tell me then that's just crazy Zayn."

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