Chapter 17

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Last chapter got Restricted like I really hoped it wouldn't :/ If anyone knows how to get that changed please PM me because the last chapters important in some parts! Sorry for the wait, schools back on and things have been a bit busy!

"So Samantha hey?" Zayn asked Luke.

Luke smiled. "Well I'm hoping she'll say yes."

"Wait you haven't asked her yet?" Zayn was genuinely shocked. Everyone was talking about Luke and Sam and how they've gotten together. Guess you shouldn't believe everything you hear.

Luke shakes his head. "No not yet. I go to but every time I talk to her I end up chickening out and talking about the most random shit."

Zayn has a quick look around before smirking. "Well nows your chance mate." He nods his head in the direction of where a tall girl with long brown curly hair was standing with a few others.

Luke turned his body 90 degrees to look over. He swallowed. "I don't know, I mean she's with her friends and I'm with you and-"

"Quit with the excuses." Zayn interrupted with a laugh. "First of all I'll be fine by myself. Secondly, your a great guy Luke and we both know that if you don't do this now, it'll be at least another week until you attempt to again. And that's a week you could be spending with her as her boyfriend." He reasoned.

Luke opened his mouth to say something else but Zayn shook his head. "Nope you're not getting out of this. At least not with me. I'm persistent." He grins. "Now go."

Luke sighs, not bothering to argue any longer. He slowly stands up and gives a nervous smile towards Zayn. "Wish me luck."

"You don't need it." Zayn replies, giving Luke the thumbs up. Luke just nods, turning around and heading towards Sam.

Zayn watched, a small smile on his face, as Luke nervously approached Samantha. She greets him with a smile and they start talking and soon enough she's saying something to her small group and her and Luke are walking off together.

Zayn sighs. It's good when people find someone who they feel is the one that will make them the most happy.

He knows he'll have that one day. He just needs to meet the right guy.

Maybe he's already met the right guy, he just needs to grow up just that bit more.

Zayn had his back against the tree, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the sun. Niall and Louis still weren't back and he hoped they were alright but he didn't want to interrupt in case he causes something to happen.

"Hey." A voice says, startling Zayn.

Zayn opened his eyes, seeing Liam standing in front of him. He smiled, gesturing for Liam to sit, which he did.

"Hi." Liam spoke.

Zayn watched him silently. He didn't really hang out with Liam at school, only when Harry was around or they spoke in the hall ways. And of course when they are alone doing their own business. "What are you doing?" He asked.

Liam gave Zayn a lazy smile and shrugged. "Harry went off to go speak with Louis, and I saw you were here on your own. I thought you are better company then a book so.." He trailed off and Zayn nodded, a small smile on his face. The thought of Harry speaking with Louis and Niall passing his mind.

"Fair enough." Zayn replied. He chuckled, biting his lip. "And I think you are better company then none."

Liam rolls his eyes. "That's hardly a compliment." He laughs.

Zayn gaped. "What and being preferred rather than a book is?"

"As a matter of fact it is. At least when it comes to me." He looks down at the floor. "If you didn't know I'm a bit of a nerd."

Zayn smiles. "I've heard."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, both quickly glancing at the other but looking away when they were caught.

"I like that your nerdy though. It's cute." Zayn adds, making Liam smile. "Plus it just makes it even hotter when we have sex because your whole persona just changes."

Liam glared playfully at Zayn, not replying to that comment because he wasn't sure how he was supposed usual. "I wonder how the others talks going." Liam says instead and Zayn nods in agreement.


"You're joking right?" Niall asks in awe. Louis can't be serious.

"Nope. I actually think it could work. I mean I was thinking about it for a little while but I never thought you two liked each other so it wouldn't have worked." Louis explained.

"A three way relationship? That equals to like double the sex." Niall thinks aloud.

"Well yeah but-"

"Is that all you care about Louis? Sex? How the fuck do you not have any STDs?" Niall asked seriously.

Louis was offended by that. "No it's not all I care about. And for your information I have regular check ups at the doctors."

Niall sighs. "Sorry but you can get this is a bit strange for me yeah."

Louis' eyes soften and he nods. "Yeah I do." He runs a hand through his hair. He knew Niall wasn't going to budge so quickly. He needed the time. "What about you Harry? What do you think about it?" He asks.

Harry chuckles. "Well it is pretty out there." He says. Both Louis' and Niall's eyes were on him. "But I don't think it's completely ridiculous." And Niall physically face palms.

"Just hear me out Niall." Harry leans back against the fence. "I mean I care about Louis and you care about Louis. Louis seems to care about both of us too."

"And what about us?" Niall questions quietly.

Harry gives him a soft smile. "I care about you."

Niall bites on his bottom lip hard. So hard he nearly drew out some blood from doing so. "Okay let's say we do this three way relationship crazy thing. Lets say we do it. Will it honestly Louis not bother you, if I just did this in front of you or in front of anyone else?"

Niall walks a few steps towards Harry and surprises him by kissing him forcefully. Harry kisses back. Niall pulls away after about 30 seconds, turning towards Louis and giving him a look.

Louis' jaw was clenched but he gave Niall a tight smile. "Perfectly fine with it." Harry was too out of it to notice the newest exchanges between Niall and Louis. "Like I said, three way. You get to kiss him and I'd get to kiss you so...I shouldn't be bothered."

"You'd only get to kiss me if I was willing to let you kiss me." Niall reminds him smugly. "I won't let you have it that easy."

Louis looked at him carefully. "So that means...that means your up for it?" He asks slowly.

"Are you up for it?" Niall turns and asks Harry.

Harry takes a deep breath. "I'll at least try. But if it doesn't work then it just doesn't." He replies.

Niall turns back to Louis. "Fine lets do it. But let me just say now Lou, you're gonna have to sweep me off my feet before you get anything from me."

Louis smirks. "Well it wouldn't be us if I didn't try hard to get things from you."

Niall couldn't help but smile. "It wouldn't would it?" He flicks his tongue over his lips. "Just remember you've been trying for about 4 years now and you still haven't got most things."

Louis laughs. "Yeah well I know your weaknesses Horan."

Niall smirks back. "We'll see Tomlinson." He pauses. "Styles on the other hand, well I've been horny as fuck lately. He has permission to do whatever he likes to me."


I honestly have no idea what I'm making of this story hahaha wow

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