Chapter 2

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The following day, Liam sits closer to the front, in his English Literature class. Harry chose not to sit with Liam but they came to an agreement that every Monday and Friday Harry will sit with him towards the front and if Liam ever wants to sit at the back with Harry then he could. It's only the second day back of the new semester, so Tuesday, and Harry has always said he will just cramp all his work and studying in when it's most important, not now when it's hardly needed and today's no different. He sits at the back of class chatting with one of his other mates, James. During this time though, he managed to send a wink or a smirk Louis' way. Everyone in the class knew that those two won't last much longer. Louis knew it, Harry knew it, Zayn and Niall knew it, heck, even Liam knew it.

Louis and Zayn skipped first period, so then they wouldn't get in trouble for being late and could make up an excuse to why they weren't here, like Zayn had a doctors appointment and Louis had to drive him or something along the lines of that. The office people honestly don't care really, so it's pretty easy to get away with. Niall found out but chose to ignore it because he was too tired about stressing over his History test he had earlier. "Who has a test, second day back at school?" he continued to ask Louis. "It's just stupid. Like History too! No one listens to half the shit in that class and we forget it the next day so how on earth did they expect us to know everything that was on that test?" He asked.

"Why on earth did you choose History then? It's not like you're going to do anything with it after this year anyway." Louis laughed.

"Well know...I heard it was a good subject to catch up on sleep." Niall sheepishly answered, with a shrug. Louis shook his head as a light chuckle fell from his lips.

"You're actually so stupid." Louis smiled.

"And you're actually so mean." Niall retaliated with a huff. He tried his best to act annoyed but with Louis starring at him with that damn smirk on his face, he couldn't help but smile. Niall stuck his tongue out playfully at Louis before writing down whatever it was written on the board.

Liam tried to focus on the class, he really did, but he could just feel those eyes starring at him from behind; those same eyes he caught starring at him the first time he sat down in this class. Each time he turned to see if his accusations were true, Zayn would look at Liam, without a single care that Liam caught him in the act. Zayn would give him a subtle wink or smile but Liam just turned around immediately and attempted to focus on the lesson instead of thinking about the looks Zayn gives him. Zayn knew it would take more than just a wink to get Liam to know what his intentions are and that annoyed him. But he liked this game though. Zayn liked it when they play hard to get, it just makes the chase, and the catch, much more exhilarating.

So when break time came around, Zayn followed Liam to his locker in the least creepiest way he could, telling Lou that he'd meet them at their table they normally sit at to eat.. There were people rushing through the halls, some hooking up against the lockers, until a teacher separated them, and people chatting away everywhere you look but Liam was by himself. Zayn wondered if he had many friends or if he was just independent. With a charming smile, Zayn walked up to Liam just as he closed his locker and tapped him on the shoulder. Liam turned around with a smile, thinking it was Harry, but once seeing the boy that kept starring at him all period, he felt his smile fade and his stomach drop.

Liam doesn't hate the guy but he is slightly scared of Zayn and why he keeps looking at him with that certain look in his eye. Liam is worried that Zayn wants to hurt him, maybe because he's new to the class but he doesn't want to make ridiculous accusations, especially because he doesn't know him, and Harry said Zayn's a nice person so who is he to judge? He just can't shake the feeling that Zayn want's something that Liam doesn't, whether it be to hurt him or to be friends with him. Liam doesn't want to make new friends right now, it's his last year and school and he needs to focus, focus on school and focus on making something out of all his hard work.

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