Chapter 6

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So this chapter has like little scenes, so it's going to go from different things that are happening at around the same time, if that makes sense! Sorry for updating so late, I haven't had time to write, I've just had a lot if shit going in but it's all good!

So I did have more to this chapter but I felt like I had to give something to you guys bc it's taken me a century to update, so I added it on to the next chapter I've started to add bits too!

Sorry and thank you for still reading!! And I realised that chapter 5 is R Rated for some reason! So um I think you have to follow me to read that chapter, sorry guys! x

"Hey Ni." Louis tried to talk to him but all Niall did was stand their silently, while he kicked the footy back and forth between one of the other players on the team. The team was selected and their first game was Friday night. Louis groaned as Niall ignored him. "Look Niall, I have no idea what I did wrong but I'm sorry. If it's the sex jokes than I'll stop. You just never seemed to be bothered any other time so I never bothered to try." Louis apologises. He had no idea why Niall is upset with him and it's been rattling in his mind since Niall's little outburst in English. Niall had ignored him all day and he felt the urge to fix whatever's wrong. Even though he doesn't quite know what that is.

This got Niall's attention. He stopped the football and raised a hand up at Luke. "I'll have another kick with you soon." He called out to him and passed it back. Luke gave Niall the thumbs up and began to have shots at goal. Niall turned to Louis. His face held a mixture of emotions. From annoyed, to sympathetic, to confusion. Louis didn't know what to think. He probably should have been paying more attention to Niall though. He'd been spending so much time with Harry that he hadn't been talking to him as much. "Look, he's the thing." Niall paused and took a breath. "It's not anything you've done Louis." He says simply, saying a lot less to what Louis had expected.

"Then what is it?" Louis urged on. Niall seems to snap at him a lot lately and if it's not something his done wrong then he wants to know what it is. Something could be wrong.

Niall frustratedly ran a hand through his hair. "You haven't done anything. Can't we just leave it at that?"

"No. We can't." Louis frownsed "Niall you're one of my best friends. That's not going to change. I want to make sure you're fine. If somethings wrong you can tell me."

"That's the thing though Louis." Niall threw his arms in the air. "That's the thing."

"What's the thing Niall?" Louis argued back. Zayn had come over but stayed quiet, thinking it was best for them two to get whatever they had to say out. If he got involved, he would make things worse. People were looking but he didn't care. He gets Niall is upset about something but if it's because of something he didn't do then he shouldn't be the one Niall takes it out on.

"You just don't get it. Do you Louis?" He asked. Louis stared at him. He didn't get it. "You think that it's always just fun and games. Find a guy, sleep with him for a while and then move on to the next guy who looks like an easy fuck." Louis' eyes went wide. Did he really say that? Niall never says things like that. He couldn't have meant it. But the look in his eyes made it look like he did. Niall wasn't done yet. "It's so obvious that it's screaming at you Louis! It's right in front of your fucking eyes and I can't say anything because it will ruin everything. Not everyone wants to just fuck you and move on Louis. Why can't you see or understand that?" Niall watches Louis for a moment as he tried to take everything Niall said in. Tried to see. Tried to understand.

When Louis said nothing, when Louis just stood there, Niall shook his head. "Your so fucking ridiculous. Do I have to spell it out for you?" He turned around to Josh, who looked just as shocked as every person that was standing around them. Niall's never this angry. "I'm going to skip this practice." Niall says as he brushes past him. Louis stood watching him as he walked away. All the guys were whispering to each other and making assumptions about what just happened, some of those assumptions being correct but Louis hadn't heard any of them. His mind was somewhere else.

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