Chapter 9

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You're actually going to hate me! I didn't want to do it but it has to happen so then the next chapter has some things happen in it! I'm sorry but be excited about Chapter 10!! :) Short Chapter!

Zayn licks Liam's bottom lip and Liam parts his mouth open to give Zayn entrance. Zayn was already semi hard, just from Liam's touch. He moved his hands down Liam's back until he reached his arse and started to slowly massage. Liam groaned as it felt extremely nice, as he has hardly recovered from last nights events.

Zayn smirked and moved forward, causing Liam to walk backwards. Liam stopped moving when he hit the arm rest of the couch. Zayn continued to move forward so Liam was bent back on the couch, his back now against the cushions. "I like you in this position." Zayn mumbled through the kiss, rubbing his growing erection against Liam's. Liam moaned in reply and agreement, tugging lightly on the hairs at the back of Zayn's neck.

"I'm thinking..." Zayn trailed his lips to the crook of Liam's neck. Liam closed his eyes. "Instead of moving, we just do it here on the couch." Liam hummed, too distracted in Zayn to even form words. He didn't care where they did it, he just wanted to feel Zayn again.

"If you plan on doing it on the couch, next time lock the door." Liam froze in place, eyes flinging open. Zayn groaned, lazily dropping his head on Liam's shoulder. "I honestly didn't want to interrupt. In fact, I was hoping I could join." Zayn stood up straight, followed by Liam doing the same, silently cursing himself for getting up too quickly. Zayn rolled his eyes before turning.

"What the fuck Louis." Zayn huffed. Louis raised his hands defensively, looking between Zayn, and Liam
who had his eyes glued to his feet.

"I actually didn't mean to interrupt, I was hoping I could talk to you about lunch." Zayn rubbed his face and his eyes softened.

"You couldn't have called first?" He asked.

"I texted." Louis remarked. "Not my fault you were too busy trying to get laid to look at your phone." His voice became slightly harsher.

Not this again. "Excuse me?" Zayn asked. "At least I'm not lashing out on every person that tries to help or make sure you're alright." Zayn said just as harshly as Louis did previously.

Louis snickered. "Then continue what you were doing before I so rudely interrupted and I'll just leave." Louis gives Zayn a sweet smile. "Or maybe I should stay and see if how you described Liam is true." Zayn narrowed his eyes at Louis, warning him without words to stop talking.

Liam, who hadn't spoken this whole argument, lifted his head and gave Louis a curious look, before turning to Zayn with confusion. "Wha-what's he talking about? What did you say to him about me?" Liam asked.

"Nothing." Zayn quickly replied, not looking at Liam but continued to watch Louis.

Louis smirked. "Don't lie to him Zayn." Louis looked at Liam. "He just mentioned how nice you were." He paused, looking back to Zayn, his smirk grew and Zayn knew he wasn't going to hold back. "Plus how huuuge you were." He licked his lips. "Like he said you would've been like 10 inches or something. That's fucking huge for a dick. I wouldn't have even imagined. Makes me want a piece of you. I also now understand why Zayns so consistent with you."

Before Zayn could say anything to Louis, who was being a complete dickhead, Liam spoke. "You said that?!" He exclaimed, his voice full of hurt and anger. Zayn didn't say anything and that confirmed the answer for Liam. "I can't believe I slept with you so easily. I fucking knew this would happen." Liam spat out. "This was a mistake. How did I let this happen?" Zayn didn't try fight with him, he couldn't in front of Louis anyway. He wanted to though. He wanted to say he's sorry but that's not like him, so he stayed quiet.

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