Chapter 32

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So many people are going to hate me after this ahaha...

2 days later...

"Hey." Niall sighs, opening the door for Louis.

"Hey." Louis says. "Crazy few days with Liam and Zayn hey?" He walks deep into Niall's house, following him up the stairs to his room.

"Crazy is probably an understatement." Niall replies.

"Relationships ay? Make things less simple." Louis chuckles but Niall could see how put on it was.

"What's up Lou?" He asks. Instead of sitting on the beanbag or on the floor, like he tends to do most times he's over, Louis sits on the bed with Niall.

"I've been thinking a lot." He pauses. "About us." Niall looks at him but Louis doesn't make eye contact.

"What about us?" Niall's voice is quiet.

"I love you Niall." Louis comes straight out and says it and Niall's mouth practically falls open. "I do, I love you. And in more than a friendship way too."

Niall recovers, biting his lip. He knows Louis too well for this not to go the way he knows it will. "But?"

Louis has his head in his hands, hitched down. "This just can't work between us." He whispers. He sits back up properly and takes a deep breath. "Not now."

Niall looks at him carefully, looking over every feature of his face, every detail, every freckle, every perfection. "Why's that?" He asks. He doesn't know how to feel. He loved Louis too. But maybe he's right that it's for the best.

"It's going to sound more like an excuse than a reason, but trust me it's not." He offers a small smile. "We are far too close Niall. You're my best friend. And that never ends well. I don't want to ruin anything we have." Louis admits. "I think that once dating someone, and you become best friends with them, than it will last. But if you're best friends with someone from the beginning and start dating them, I don't know Ni but I don't want to risk it." Louis loved Zayn and that didn't work.

"Yeah I understand." Niall says. "I don't know if I want to, but I do."

"And I think just now we have to be there for Zayn. He needs us." Louis says softly.

Niall nods his head. "Yeah, he's been feeling alone and I think if we got too caught up in each other it would be hard for him to get out of that feeling."

"He would kill us if he knew that was part of the reason we're doing this now." Louis chuckles.

"Well it's not the full reason. So he should only injure us at most." Niall jokes back.

There's silence for a few minutes. Both letting their thoughts take over. "I think-I think you should be with Harry." Louis tells him.


"Hey, you like him don't you?" He interrupts.

"Yeah but-"

"But nothing." Louis smiles. "He likes you and you like him. You both can become as close as we are, but more, and it can actually work between the two of you."

"You really think Harry and I could work?" Niall questions. He doesn't know how to react to any of this. Louis is calling it over between the two of them and is telling him to be with someone else. How are you meant to react or feel? "What if he doesn't even want to be with me and he was just doing this because of you?"

That's a possibility. He may just want to be with Louis.

"Please Niall. He'd be stupid not to take you when he has the chance." Louis bites the inside of his cheek. This is one of the hardest things he's ever had to do. He's doing his best not to show how much this is killing him because all he wants is Niall's happiness and for them to be good.

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