Chapter 47

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"So Niall invited me to dinner with Zayn and Louis." Harry tells Liam. "He said you can come too if you want."

"Yeah I'll pass." Liam laughs. "But thank you for the offer."

Harry stands there, his phone in hand. He thinks for a moment before replying back to Nialls text and only moments later he received one back. "Niall can't wait to see you again." Harry says with a guilty smile.

"Harry." Liam groans. "I'm not going."

"Oh cmon Liam. It will be fun, plus it will take your mind off everything." He tries to persuade.

"Take my mind off everything, while Zayn is there...?" Liam raises an eyebrow. "Besides, wouldn't he bring Adam along?" The spiteful tone was evident in his voice without even meaning it to be there.

"You sound jealous." Harry teases. "Niall specifically said Adam won't be there, just the 3 of them, unless Josh can get out of his family thing. But it will be good for you, to hang out with them, even Zayn. Especially because they're always gonna be around because of Niall and I."

Closing his eyes and groaning, Liam knows he has to go. It's important to Harry. Liam's gotten along fine with Niall but while school had been over, he'd avoided group outings because he knew that there was a high chance that Zayn would be there. So now that him and Zayn have been communicating the last few weeks, it's only fair that he gives it a shot. "Fine, I'll go but I can't promise I'll have any fun."

Harry smiles. "Don't worry, I know you will." He places his phone in his pocket. "We're meeting them in 30, so I gotta actually have a shower and put decent clothes on." He was still in just his underwear and shirt. He didn't think there was any reason to change. "You're more than welcome to have one to, plus use some of my clothes."

"Yeah I'll take you up on that offer." If Liam doesn't feel good about the way he looks, he knows he's not gonna have a good time and even after telling Harry he would rather not be there, he was a little excited about the fact he would spend some time with Zayn. "Thanks."


"Guys I know your hungry but jesus, can you not wait 5 more minutes for Harry to get here." Louis and Zayn were trying to get a waiters attention so they could order.

"5 more minutes only Niall. We're hungry, and still slightly hungover, even though it doesn't look like we are, people." Louis states.

Zayn pouts, putting the menu down. "Why's he taking so lo-" he didn't even finish his sentence because he saw Harry approaching their table, with Liam next to him looking better than he ever has.

He wore black skinny jeans and Zayn could only imagine at this point how good his butt would be looking. With that he wore a black t shirt that hugged his bicep muscles nicely and Zayn unconsciously licked his lips. How did he ever let Liam get away.

As they walked up to the table Liam was laughing and all Zayn could think was how much he wanted to be the one to make Liam laugh like that again. His laughs also weren't the only thing he wanted to hear come out of his mouth. But that's a completely different thought.

"Hey hey." Harry kisses Niall on the lips lightly and slides into the booth next to him.

"Ah hi guys." Liam now had 2 choices. He could just sit down next to Harry and be diagonal from Zayn, or he could slide in next to Louis so that there was a space between. He chose option 2 based on the fact that he didn't want to be tempted to constantly look at that gorgeous face and piercing brown eyes. If Liam gets caught too much in his eyes, he knows he wouldn't be able to resist. And right now, with Zayn being taken, he couldn't risk doing or saying something stupid.

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