Chapter 14

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Sorry for the wait! This was my first time writing anything like this, which is why it took so long. I hope it's good though :)

"Toy-toys?" Liam asked, obviously surprised. He remembered Zayn mentioning them but he never thought he'd use them with him.

Zayn smirked. "Yeah. Don't be so nervous, they're fun. Trust me." He was pulling out all sorts of devices, which Liam had no idea to what they were. "Unless you don't want to use them?" Zayn stopped and looked at Liam.

"No. It's just-" Liam didn't want to explain and make himself look more inexperienced and silly then he already was. "No, I want to." He said instead with a nervous smile. He did want to, he just had no idea about any of this type of thing and knew that he was most likely either going to embarrass himself of look horrible doing what ever Zayn has planned.

"Good because by now I think you'd know that I really enjoy making you feel good." He continued pulling things out of his box. Fuck. How much does he have? "And one of these will defiantly do the trick."

Liam didn't care how Zayn does it but he really just wanted the uncomfortableness in his jeans to be gone. "What are you going to use?" His curiosity got the best of him.

"Well-" Zayn sighed. "I'm not too sure yet."

"There's my vibrating dildo. Quite boring compared to everything else... but you're new to this so I think maybe it would be good for you. At least for your first. Start from the basics I suppose." Zayn continued.

"I mean you don't want little balls up your arse do you?" He asked Liam in a teasing tone.

Liam flushed and looked down at the ground. "Uh n-no." He didn't know what those balls could do but it didn't sound like something that would be good for him. At least for now with the not so much experience he has with this type of thing.

"Why the fuck do I have a strap on one." Zayn spoke to himself, pulling out a strap on dildo from his box. He just shook his head, pulling out a pair of furry hand cuffs and something else.

"We won't use the handcuffs now because I want you to be able to please yourself on your own after you know what to do....The whip on the other hand is a bit intense, more for role playing." Zayn smirks, his and Liam's eyes locking. "Oh and you and I will have a lot if fun with this in the future." He states.

Liam's blood was rushing by this point and he wondered how long he would be able to stay in his pants before saying something to Zayn. He stayed quiet though. Worried he wouldn't be able to form words.

Zayn had packed up his box of toys and was left with only the one object. The vibrating fucking dildo.

Zayn shrugged casually. "Ok so it's extremely simple, defiantly a beginners toy but can be very effective." Liam just nodded and Zayn sighed. He stepped forward and gently lifted Liam's chin up with his finger so Liam was looking directly at him. "I can tell your worried but it'll be worth it. Don't feel embarrassed either. We all have to start somewhere." He says softly.

Liam manages a small smile and nods. "Yeah." He breaths. "Just not used to doing this."

Zayn smiles understandingly. "Yeah and it's completely fine to be nervous." Liam nods again, feeling slightly better about this. He wanted to try it, he was just nervous. "Besides-" Zayn smirks. "With me, you will be used to this in no time."

Liam chuckled though he knew Zayn was being serious in his statement. "I'm ready."

Zayn smiles. "Alright get naked."


"You can't do this with your clothes on Li." Zayn laughed. "Show me that hot body of yours."

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