Chapter 10

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Friday. Match Day.

"So have you spoken to him?" Louis asks Zayn on the way to there last class, which happened to be Maths. Since Tuesday things were back to normal between the two of them, excluding the part where they have sex on a regular occasion.

Zayn is still in the middle of Niall and Louis. They talk but it's always very awkward or strange, neither of them knowing what to say. Its as if Louis gets nervous around Niall, like Niall does with him but Louis would never admit to it. So at the moment, Zayn is going from friend to friend trying to make this situation better, but going nowhere.

He gave up on trying to talk sense into Louis and Niall just never wants to talk about it. Zayn decided that it's best just for them to sort things out and hopefully all get back to being best friends soon. For now though, He just wants to focus in his own life.

"No, not properly." Zayn replied to Louis' previous question. He knew exactly who he was referring to.

Louis chuckled. Typical Zayn. "What have you done?"

Zayn shrugs, looking down at his moving feet as if he were embarrassed. "Well I called him a couple times and texted him.." He shrugged and Louis watched him with an amused smile because he knew he wasn't finished. "Like four times." Zayn quietly muttered after a moment.

Louis bit his lip, trying not to laugh at Zayn's all of a sudden nervousness. Zayn has never been one to try make things right with people he sleeps with when he stuffed something up, well except Louis. "Did he reply to any."

"Ah not exactly" Zayn stopped and turned to Louis, with an expression that looked as though he wanted to laugh but at the same time he felt like a true idiot.

"4 messages with no replies?! Geez Zee you're desperate." Louis teased. Zayn put a finger to his mouth to tell Louis to quiet down a bit. "What did you say to him?" Louis was actually very curious as to what Zayn may have written.

"First of all, I sent them in a row so it counts more as one message, than four." Zayn poked his tongue out childishly at Louis, in which Louis replied with a playful eye roll. "Wait, let's go somewhere else, we'll go to Maths next week." Zayn holds Louis' wrist and pulls him along, out one of the doors to the oval.

Instead of sitting in their usual spot, they just found a spot close and sat down, not really caring if anyone saw them skipping. They knew the teachers wouldn't do anything about it and the other students didn't care about what they did.

Zayn pulls his phone out from his pocket and unlocks it, finding the messages he sent Liam. "Alright I sent him this." Zayn clears his throat dramatically, skims the message, and looks up at Louis who is waiting patiently, a grin on his face. "Sorry I told Louis..I just couldn't help myself telling him about your huge juicy dick."

Louis' face was priceless when he burst out in a laughing fit. "You did not!" He places a hand over his mouth to try contain his laughter, but really was doing a terrible job.

Zayn smirks. "He likes it when I talk dirty." But as soon as he said that he couldn't keep his own laughter in either. "No I didn't." And he waited for Louis to calm down. "What I actually wrote was...Sorry Liam for telling Louis that type of information. It's not you, he's my best friend, I tell him about all the dicks I suck."

Louis didn't laugh as much as what Zayn thought he would've. "Yeah that one seems more realistic." Louis says.

"I didn't say that you idiot! I'm not that much of a dick!" Zayn laughs. Louis smiles, shaking his head. He really did think Zayn had sent that to Liam, it is honestly something he would say.

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