Chapter 20

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A knock on the door startles Liam. What has he gotten himself into...again? He cracked as soon as Zayn said something sweet. Absolutely no self-control that's what's gotten him into this mess. He can't resist the Malik charm.

He takes deep breaths as he walks to the door. He opens it and is surprised to see Harry. Wait. Shit.

"Har-Harry what are you doing here?" Liam asked slowly. He subtly looked behind Harry to make sure Zayn's car wasn't here also. If they bumped into each other that would've been bad news.

Zayn was meant to be coming at around this time so if by any chance Harry is still here that's not a good thing. And Liam would have some explaining to do.

Harry smiled. "I just came to see if you wanted to hang out." He pats Liam's shoulder and walks in.

"Oh of course." Liam mumbles. He quickly pulls his phone out and texts Zayn a later time saying Harry's showed up. He didn't wait to get a text back before switching it on silent and placing it back in his pocket.

Harry sits on one of the kitchen chairs. "So?"

"What?" Liam asks far too quick.

Harry chuckles. "What's got you so anxious?"

Liam swallows thickly. "oh I just have this P.E sack tomorrow which I haven't studied for. Just a bit nervous for it I guess." He lied, once again.

Harry nods. "That's fair enough. Did you want me to leave so you can study?" He asks. Harry knew how Liam could get with his schooling.

"You can stay for a bit if you want. I kind of planned to start studying at 8 anyway." He rubs his neck awkwardly.

Harry shakes his head. "I swear you are the only person in our year level who has planned times for studying." He laughs. "So how was your day? I didn't end up seeing you at break."

Is he saying this as a legit question, or is he trying to get the fact that Liam actually made out with Zayn out of him? He couldn't have possibly seen, could he have? He would have done something if he had. Harry treats Liam like an older brother, even though he is younger.

Maybe he heard from someone. Who the fuck knows who saw.

"Just read a bit. Nothing out of the ordinary." Liam says. "What about you?"

"I actually spent lunch with Niall." he answers.

"Oh yeah how's that going?" Liam asks curiously. How possibly could a 3-way relationship be going with a man whore, a semi man whore and a guy who's not even a man whore?

A smile appears on Harry's face. "Surprisingly good." He answers. "I mean me and Lou have always had that physical bond and Niall and I seem to be getting along well."

"Just be careful. I don't want you getting hurt." Liam tells him.

"Yeah same." Harry says and that could mean two things. It could mean that he doesn't want to get hurt in all this. Or it could mean he's telling Liam the same thing and he doesn't want Liam to get hurt.

"But I'm glad your happy." Liam adds not wanting it to be silent for long.

Harry smiles softly. "Anyway I better head off. You've got studying to do and though you probably don't want to admit it I bet you have some set things you gotta do beforehand."

Liam glares at him playfully. "Maybe." He says and Harry cracks up, standing from his seat. Again patting Liam's shoulder on the way past he heads towards the door.

"Did you want to do something Saturday?" Harry asks.

"Ah today's Thursday and I don't have plans so sure." Liam smiles.

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