Chapter 12

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I've had huge writers block! So I apologise for the wait and shitty chapter! I'm trying to add more Ziam but I have no clue what to do! I am welcome to ideas. Long chapter though!!! It's like a double update but in one chapter, considering I haven't updated in so long :)

You'll probably hate me again after the end of this!

But don't worry there will be more Ziam! I'm sorry that I haven't had more of them lately :/

Neither Louis or Niall said anything as they finally made it to the field, both thinking it's best not to discuss what happened at this time of night and when they had to get back to the others before anyone noticed they were still gone. "You don't have to reply right now but I just want you to think about it. I know it may be a bit fucked up right now, but maybe we can hang out on Sunday or something. If-if your not doing anything of course." Niall spoke.

Louis mumbled a 'I'll let you know' and that was it because as soon as he saw Harry he realised the huge fucking mistake he just made. "Shit." He whispered to himself. Again he was so caught up in the moment and did something to ruin Harry even more. If Harry found out about the kiss he would hate him.

Zayn saw his two best friends and jogged up to them, pushing Niall slightly away and wrapping his arms around Louis. "Are you okay now? It's not serious is it? You can still play?" Zayn knew how important football was to Louis. If something happened that he couldn't play again, even just for a season, he would be devastated.

Louis chuckled. "Yeah I'm fine Zee, just a sprain." He lightly pushed Zayn away from him, giving him a smile.

"Alright sweet." Zayn clapped his hands. "How about we all go to my place tonight and just hang out. It will be like a celebration for you guys winning your first game." He suggested.

Louis and Niall turned to look at each other. "Uh I don't know, I mean we didn't even play the full match. Plus my ankle." Louis said. He knows it wouldn't be completely awkward because Zayn would be there but he really just needed some time to think.

"Oh come on. Don't give me that bullshit. You both scored goals and played well. And even you said it's just a sprain. Leave your car here, considering you can't drive at the moment anyway and I'll just drive you everywhere." Zayn smirked. He knew that Louis would cave in eventually.

"Zayn." Louis groaned. "You're already Niall's ride. I don't want to be a pain."

"We can just go to mine then." Niall spoke up. "I mean Louis doesn't live that far away so Zayn you could just drop Lou off on your way home tomorrow. And that way we don't have to be so quiet because I don't have any sisters like the two of ya." Louis looked down at the floor, knowing he was stuck now. He was hoping Niall would get the idea and say he couldn't go either, but apparently not. He wanted to spend time with Niall because he's one of his best friends and they haven't hung out properly in so long but he's been such a dick lately he's got to sort his stuff, which involves not only him, first.

"It's settled then. Go grab your shit so we can head off." Zayn winked at Louis and he rolled his eyes.

"C'mon then Neil, considering you got us stuck with Zayn for the night, you can piggy back me go our bags." Louis requested.

Niall sighed. He let go of Louis' waist and stood in front of him. Louis hopped up, with a little help from
Zayn, onto Niall's back. Niall grunted from the sudden weight but adjusted Louis' legs to make it easier.

They began walking, Louis pretending Niall was a horse, before Zayn noticed something Louis said. "Stuck?" He asked, frowning slightly.

"Yep." Niall and Louis both answered at once, laughing at Zayn's reaction. Doing so nearly caused Niall to drop Louis, which made them laugh even harder.

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