Chapter 39

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Uh yeah, enjoy..hopefully! Not long left!!

When Zayn saw Liam finally walk through his door, he quickly stood up from the bed and the smile on his face was evident, but as soon as he saw the way Liam was looking back at him it quickly faded away. "Hey." Zayn says.

"Hey." Liam says back quietly. He walks further into the room, resting his back against the wall. "I've been doing a lot of thinking." He begins.

"And what have you come up with?" Zayn asks, hesitantly.

"I realised that what happened wasn't your fault. I mean who wouldn't want to kiss you?" Liam attempts to joke.

"You when I first met you." Zayn continued it, making Liam smile.

"Yeah but look where it ended up." He pauses. "It wasn't your fault this time and it wasn't your fault last time either. I know that. And I overreacted each time."

"It was a natural reaction from you. You saw what I did when I saw you kiss someone." Zayn says.

"Yes but I initiated the kiss and it was out of spite from what I witnessed! It was my reaction that caused you to do it, which screwed up your friendship with Louis for a while." Liam explained.

"What are you trying to say?" Zayn questions. Liam was being cryptic and in these make or break situations that's the worst thing you can be doing.

"What I'm saying is, this continues to happen and I continue to overreact. It's not good for either of us."

"Liam it's a couple fights, every relationship has them." Zayn tried to reason.

"Yes but it's not just a couple fights Zee! It's everything in between as well that's not so big but still there." Liam replies. "We fight constantly about things that don't even matter. And we ignore those because bigger things come along and take over."

"Exactly! We fight about things that don't matter! That's just what happens! We've been through shit in the time we've been a couple but that doesn't mean we haven't had the best times of our lives either." Zayn retaliates.

"I'm not denying we have." Liam says. "It's coming towards the end of school and there's just so much happening. I get so easily distracted by you Zayn it's unhealthy and that's really something that I need to get a grip on if I want to get the score I want to get into the course I need to achieve."

"Liam stop avoiding it and just tell me what you came here to say." Zayn almost yells.

Liam opens his mouth and closes it again. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them again. Tears were dwelling up in his eyes and he knew he was going to cry. "I'm sorry Zayn, but I can't be with you anymore. I'm breaking this off."

Zayn knew. He knew Liam was going to say those words but as soon as he heard them it's like he wasn't expecting them at all. He's heart stopped beating for a split second, and not with passion but with heartbreak.

His heart felt like it literally shattered. And how did he know that? Because he's never experienced anything like it before. He's never loved someone the way he loves Liam, so calling it quits has never hurt him. It hurt with Louis but not even close to this extend. He felt numb.

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