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Zayn moaned out Louis' name, as Louis continued to thrust into Zayn. With each thrust he managed to get even harder and deeper into him, hitting Zayn's most pleasurable spot. "Fuck. Fuck Louis. I'm clo-close. I'm gonna cum."

Louis also felt his stomach tighten with a feeling he is known to, just by watching the boy below him unravel by what he is doing to him. Zayn's hair was sticking in all directions as sweat trailed down his beautiful face and naked body. His hands griped the sheets, as his head fell backwards in pleasure, and moans escaped his mouth.

Louis hungrily attacked Zayn's lips, taking Zayn by surprise. Zayn took one of his hands, finding its way into Louis' hair and pulled him closer to him, kissing him sloppily. Louis continued to thrust into Zayn. The both of them close to overload. "Say my name baby, scream for me." Louis groaned.

"Louis. Louislouislouis." Zayn screamed and moaned as he finally let go, spilling into Louis' chest. Louis cried out Zayn's name before thrusting one last time, releasing hot, white liquid into Zayn's hole.

Both their breathing was fast and uneven. Louis stayed inside Zayn while they both composed from their orgasms. Ever so gently and slowly, Louis pulled out of Zayn. Zayn whimpered from the now emptiness he was feeling but sighed in content when Louis fell onto the bed beside him. Zayn turned to the side, wrapping an arm around Louis' waist and resting his head on his chest.

"Always a good way to wake up in the morning." Zayn admitted, smiling into Louis' chest. Louis chuckled lightly and pressed a light kiss to Zayn's hair.

"That is very true." Louis smiled. Zayn looked up at Louis with a smile also on his lips.

"I'm going to have a shower. Get myself cleaned up." Zayn muttered but not moving from where he laid. Moving downwards, Louis brought his lips to Zayn's ear.

"Is that an invitation for me to join you?" He whispered seductively, causing a shiver to run through Zayn's body. Louis smirked, nipping lightly on Zayn's earlobe. "This time though, I want to be the one getting fucked out of my mind by you." Zayn rolled his eyes but felt a pleasurable feeling inside him at the sound of Louis' words.

Zayn cheekily bit Louis' stomach, in which Louis responded with a yelp. Zayn laughed, sitting up and getting out of the bed. Louis' eyes traveled up and down Zayn's still naked body, licking his lips. Zayn bend down picking up the blanket and throwing it over Louis' head. "Get ready for school would you." He smiled. Louis groaned in protest. He pulled the blanket off from his head and pouted cutely up at Zayn. "Like I said before, I'm having a shower, so just get ready will you before you tempt me too much." He turned around and walked into the on-suit.

"I'll be in there with you in a minute babe. If you really, really don't want me joining you, be sure to lock the door." Zayn heard Louis' muffled voice through the door and he knew he was smirking. Zayn snickered. He knew better, but he chose to keep the door unlocked anyway. Turning on the water and stepping in, he let the hotness of the water, rinse his body clean. Moments later he heard the door quietly open and close and two strong arms wrapped around his waist.


Louis and Zayn got to class late, laughing about something they just saw. When they stumbled into class, all eyes fell on them. Their English Literature teacher huffed in annoyance at them. "Honestly Mr. Malik and Mr. Tomlinson, it's the first week back at school and you are already late and making a scene." Ms Demean spoke.

"Sorry, we got a little...distracted." Zayn smirked towards Louis who only returned the gesture with a cheeky smile and a glint in his eye. He then looked back to the teacher, giving her a stunning smile, knowing it will ease any punishment she may have in mind.

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