Chapter 31

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"So what happened?" Louis asks as soon as Zayn takes a seat in the kitchen. Louis takes two mugs out, as the kettle boiled, making them some tea because Zayn looked like a mess.

It was obvious he'd been crying and that's so odd for him.

He sighs. "Eh, just everything you said would happen."

"That bad?" Louis frowns. The tea was ready and he pours himself and Zayn a cup, bringing it over to the table and sitting across from Zayn.

"Worse." Zayn croaks. He holds the cup in his hands, warming them up, before bringing the cup to his lips, blowing softly and taking a small sip. "He didn't yell at me or anything."

"That's a good thing isn't it?" Louis questions, confused.

Zayn shakes his head. "Nope." He looks down at his tea, eyebrows knotted. "He was so upset Louis." He looks back up, meeting Louis' concerned gaze. "I would've preferred him to scream because him being so neutral was just-" Zayn didn't even know how to explain. "It made me realise how much I don't deserve him after what I did."

"How on earth do you get that from all of it?"

Zayn takes another sip of his tea, checking his phone in the process to make sure Liam hadn't replied to any of his 12 texts.

"Because I did such a horrible thing, and somehow he blamed himself and didn't even raise his voice after hurting him so badly and after sleeping with him knowing what I did." Zayn explained. "I don't deserve him because he's way too good for someone like me." It was so simple, yet Zayn never realised it properly until now. Liam deserved so much better.

"You don't know what your saying. Liam's lucky to have you." Louis tells him.

"Lucky to have had me, you mean." Zayn corrects. "But hardly. He could have anybody he desired once they get to know him." He checks his phone again. "Everything about him is perfect." Zayn smiles to himself. He had him yet he just threw it all away.

"Zayn, you have to realise that the person Liam desires to be with is you." Louis offers a smile. "He really cares about you, and he's just upset right now, he'll come around."

"I don't-"

"Nope." Louis interrupts. "You could ask Niall and he would say the same thing." He looks at Zayn sadly. "I haven't seen you this upset since-"

"Don't talk about it." Zayn breaths. "Not now please."

Louis thinks for a minute. What helps Zayn the most? "You obviously need some cheering up for a little bit, so let's do something!" Louis exclaims, thinking of something.

"Like what?" Zayn asks. There's not really anything that will put him into a good mood.

"Just come with me." Louis picks up his car keys and Zayn gives him a questioning look but doesn't say anything as he follows Louis out the door.


They pull up to the familiar line of shops and Zayn sighs. "Louis I don't want to see anyone from the tattoo place."

Louis rolls his eyes. "I know that." He parks the car and Zayn follows his lead hopping out of the car.

"Then why are we here?" Zayn asks.

Louis digs into his pocket and pulls out a key throwing it up in the air and catching it. "Well, the boys had no jobs for the afternoon so I asked if I could borrow the place for a few hours."

"To do what?" Louis just smiles at Zayn's confused and worried face.

He unlocks the door, Zayn closing it behind them and leads Zayn towards the back of the shop through a door and down the short hall until they reached the door right at the end. Louis opens it up and Zayn follows, still confused even though he knows what room Louis is taking him into.

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