Chapter 46

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Back to a long chapter! I would say only maybe like 2 chapters after this! Ahh finally coming to an end :(( thanks for reading!

"Well this explains where Liam disappeared to." Harry whispers.

"Yeah, I mean they do look comfy but should we wake one of them?" Niall asks.

Him and Harry were standing on the doorway, a cup of tea in each of their hands as they watched their 2 best friends cuddle in bed. It must've happened in their sleep but Zayn had his arm around Liam, while Liam cuddled close to Zayn, holding Zayn's arm, the one which was placed around his body, with his own. They looked content. Light snores coming out of both their mouths and small smiles across their faces as they slept.

"I don't know." Harry says slowly. "I mean for all we know, they spoke last night and this was the outcome.

"Maybe. But Zayn was actually out cold. I don't think he would've gotten up for anything. Not even to piss." Niall takes a sip of his tea but while doing so, burns his tongue. "Ah fuck."

His voice was louder than he meant to allow and they see the two sleeping figures begin to move around. Niall mouths to Harry that now was their time they had to leave but Harry shakes his head, smiling with a small laugh. He wanted to see how this panned out.

"Fucking hell Niall. Keep quiet would ya." Zayn groans, eyes remaining shut. He holds Liam tighter, re positioning himself. But his eyebrows furrow. What was he holding onto? He peels one eye open, seeing a brunette figure in front of him and with further feels of his hands against this figures chest, Zayn knew it was Liam. He opened both his eyes then, sitting up slightly to confirm it was really him and the confusion on his face was obvious.

He was confused, yes, but he liked the feeling of holding Liam again. But then he noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. Fuck. Did he cheat on Adam? He wouldn't have. Did they break up?

What the fuck happened last night? He drank way too much.

And though these thoughts were going through his head, he was honestly about to lay back down, bring Liam closer to him and enjoy the moments he had with him while he could, before a cough brings him back to reality. He looks over at the door, to see Niall and Harry, just as confused as he was.

Good thing Zayn was the big spoon in this situation as it was always easier to get out of the position without waking the other person. He sits up, using his free arm, which he was using to rest his head on, to peel off Liam's from his, and quietly slides off the bed. As soon as he stood up he felt the throbbing in his head. Why did he drink so much? He rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands, and looks down at Liam one last time, trying to stop himself from smiling as he left the room. He closed the door behind him, with Niall and Harry not far in front.

Niall being the beautiful best friend he is, retrieved a bottle of water and some painkillers, handing them to Zayn as soon as he came into the kitchen. Zayn gives Niall a grateful smile. "What the fuck happened last night?" He questions.

"The only part of this whole situation that we actually know is that you got extremely drunk with Louis, and while he managed to go home with Josh, you passed out by 8 and we threw you into the spare room rather than making Adam come grab you." Niall explained.

"Right, um and uh Liam?" Zayn mumbles. "How'd that end up happening?"

"He was sleeping on the couch when we went to bed, so your guess is as good as ours." Harry laughs.

"Oh alright." Zayn says quietly. Did he finally have a moment with Liam and not remember any of it? He remembers Liam making his announcement with James and that's why he drank the way he did. Too lighten up the mood, be happy with Louis. But mainly to block out the fact that Liam was moving in with precious James. Argh, even the thought of his name makes him want to be sick. Or maybe it's the alcohol finally working it's unwanted magic. "I'm not feeling too well. I'm gonna sit in the shower for a very long time and pray that my insides stay inside my body." He places a hand over his mouth, shaking his head while Niall was amused by the whole situation.

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