Chapter 18

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Zayn: Hey Li, you still coming to mine tonight ;) x

Liam looked at the message and he looked at it for about 10 minutes without doing a single thing. He didn't know what to do. He's falling hard for Zayn and he can't do anything about it unless he starts to distance himself from him.

Liam takes a deep breath, replying to Zayns message. 'No, can't make it tonight. Sorry.'

He sat there silently looking at his phone, which of course made it feel so much longer. Zayns persistent and if Liam tries to stop he will keep at it, like at the beginning. Unless he doesn't care all that much now that he's already gotten what he wanted out of Liam. But either way Liam wasn't going to give in so easy like the last time.

Liam's phone buzzed and he automatically unlocked it skimming the new message. 'Oh. That sucks :/ Are you alright?'

'Yeah I'm fine. Just can't.' Liam pressed send. He knew he was being cold but that's what had to be done.

Zayn was quick to reply. it only took him about 20 seconds. 'Okay, I'll see you tomorrow at school then? x'

Liam didn't reply. Instead he threw his phone beside him and fell back onto his pillow. It was his own fault. He was the one that fell for Zayns games and his the one dealing with the consequences.

Ignoring him at school should be easy enough. They don't see each other much as it is. So as long as he keeps his distance in class and stays hidden during the breaks he should be fine.

Soon enough Zayn will just move on anyway. Why not just make it now. Better for the both of them.


Zayn looked at Louis. "It's a bit odd." Was all he said.

"Well we aren't fighting anymore." Louis says, trying to get Zayn to agree that this three way thing is a good idea.

Zayn shrugs, leaning against the locker. "I guess." Niall hadn't said anything to Zayn since this agreement. Louis was the one to explain it all. A laugh escapes Zayn's mouth and he laughs.

"What?" Louis asked.

"Nialls not 100 per cent for this." He states knowingly.

"Yeah and..?" Louis' tone became slightly more defensive.

Zayn sighed, laughing again and smirking at Louis. He opened his mouth but again, he couldn't help but laugh. Already Louis was pissy and he couldn't help but egg him on. "This whole thing was your idea but you're gonna be the one to end it."

Louis raises an eyebrow. "Oh really? Why would that be?" He sneers.

"Haven't you learnt my friend." Zayn places his hand on Louis' shoulder. "You not gonna get any of Nialls dick." He says straight up. Not sugar coating it for him because he's going to hear the truth eventually from him.

"While Niall disagrees with this, he's not going to give you any sexy time." Zayn continues. "Yeah he likes you but he likes you. He doesn't want just the sex. You've heard him say it before." He says.

Louis groaned, glaring at Zayn. He can be a piece of work sometimes. "You don't get it Zayn."

"Oh I do. He's going to distance himself from you because he likes you too much just to have sex with." He looks at Louis with that smug look on his face.

"Okay yes I get he doesn't want this to be just about sex. But like I said. Its a three-way relationship, not a three-way friends with benefits card." Louis explains.

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