Chapter 30

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Liam woke up on the floor, still in Zayn's arms from the night before. The wait was really worth it.

He can see from the corner of his eye that Zayn was already awake and watching him. All of a sudden he felt shy and vulnerable.

Liam groaned, rolling his body around and hiding his face against Zayn's chest. "Hey." Zayn says, nudging Liam gently.

Liam couldn't help but smile, peaking up to meet Zayn's eyes. "Hey." He says.

"Why are you so red in the face?" Zayn asks, a smirk playing on his lips. Liam pouts and hides his face again. He heard Zayn laughing and felt the vibration run through his body. "Is it because your reminiscing on last night?"

"I don't know what comes over me." Liam finally said. He's so different around Zayn and even more different when it involves sleeping with him.

"Yeah you really are the full package." Zayn comments. "You're so innocent and sweet and shy." He pauses, playing with Liam's hair. "But then when I get you in bed, fuck, you become a completely different rough and dominate person."

Liam looked at Zayn frowning. "I can be cute and innocent when having sex." He says without thinking and when the words came out of his mouth realised how odd they sounded.

"What?" Zayn asked.

"What?" Liam played stupid.

"I know you can." Zayn smirks, knowing exactly what Liam had said and thought about the times he first slept with Liam.

"Shh." Liam laughs. He looks at Zayn carefully and frowns. "Hey did you get enough sleep, you look pretty tired." He comments.

"Yeah plenty." Zayn says quickly. "Probably overslept." He lies. He probably ended up getting 3 hours sleep tops.

"Okay." Liam says, not confident in believing him.

"I'll be back, need to go to the bathroom." Zayn says, pulling Liam off of him.

Liam nods, not saying anything. Zayn seemed off. Did he do something wrong?

Zayn quickly went to the bathroom, running his fingers through his hair. He stands in front of the basin, looking at himself in the mirror. He was shirtless from the night before but had put his pants back on. "What have you gotten yourself into." He whispers to himself.

He goes to retrieve his phone from his left pocket so he could call Louis but it wasn't there. He pats his right pocket, followed by his back ones. "Shit."

Liam's pulling his shirt over his head when he hears a phone going off. He checks his own, just to see its not his ringing but he did note that it was already 10.00.

He pulls the blanket back and sees Zayn's phone ringing on the floor. He picks it up and sees that it's Louis calling Zayn.

Liam thought for a moment whether to answer it. If it was anyone else he wouldn't, but it's Louis. Zayn might appreciate it. Liam swipes right and presses the phone to his ear. "Hello." He says.

"Zayn?" Louis replies at the other end.

"Ah no it's Liam, Zayn's just in the bathroom." Liam tells him.

"Oh." Was all Louis said.

"Is it about something important?" Liam asked, thinking it may be by the change in Louis' tone.

"No, no." Louis says. "I just thought he was coming to mine after yours last night, that's all."

"Oh." Liam pauses. "Was he not planning on staying the night?" He swallowed thickly. He has been acting strange. Maybe something is going on.

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