Chapter 25

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So this chapter isn't one that I think is that great, but hopefully you like it because I have a lot planned after this :)

"Soooo, how'd your date go?" Zayn questioned Louis as soon as he walked through his bedroom door, unexpected but Zayn was used to him popping in uncalled.

Louis couldn't help the smile, he tried to hide, come hugely across his face. "It was good?"

"Just good?" Zayn raises his eyebrow.

"Really good?" Louis corrects, still smiling like an idiot.

"Give me the goss." Zayn clicks his fingers, making Louis laugh. Oh he's happy alright. Normally he would make some snobby comment back but nope, he laughs. Zayns both happy and worried for him.

"Am I the first?" he asks first.

Zayn nods. "Yeah I haven't had the chance to speak to Niall." Louis looks at Zayn, lying only in his boxers in bed, making no effort to even move.

"Right." He says, choosing to not say anything. He feels better knowing he'll be the first to tell Zayn about what happened. That way he's not worried about what Niall may have said and if he actually had fun or not.

"No it went so good and it was so fun. We were talking heaps and laughing and when we kissed at the end of the night and it was such a weird, yet amazing feeling." Louis sighs.

"So what's wrong then? Is there something more to do with Harry?" Zayn asks, hearing the mixed feelings in Louis' voice.

Louis shakes his head. "No it's not about Harry." He pauses. "It's just I love Niall, I do but I'm just so confused if I'm mistaking my feelings for him with our friendship that we've had for so long. It felt like us when I was with him and I've missed that so much but I can't distinguish the different between between friends and more then friends." He explained. And then he had the constant idea in his mind that if something bad happens between them it will ruin their friendship also.

"This is the point where you have to go out with Harry and then you be able to figure out the difference and work out what the best solution is." Zayn tells him. He can't just assume because then he'll be beating himself up about it for the rest of his life.

"Yeah your right." Louis sighs. He's got a date with Harry coming up in the next couple days so that's when he'll be able to see. "Who would've thought you of all people would be giving relationship advice." Louis chuckles.

"Who would've thought out of all people you would be the one needing relationship advice." Zayn remarks.

"Hey you've got that date with Liam tonight don't ya?" Louis remembers and grins at Zayn.

Zayn smiles big and nods his head. "Yeah."

"And your not getting ready for it already? It's 1.00 Zee." Louis comments.

"Ah yeah, it's 1.00 Lou." Zayn muses, looking back at Louis the same way he was looking at him.

"If you don't start getting ready now you're gonna be rushing to have everything ready by 7."

Zayn rolls his eyes. "Don't you believe in my abilities. I'll be ready, trust me."

"Whatever you say." Louis sings songs. He knew Zayn and he'll make himself perfect which means hours in the mirror, picking out different outfits and deciding which hair style suits him best with that particular style of clothing.


"Should've fucking listened to that fuckhead." Zayn says to himself as he tries on what seemed to be the 10th outfit in the past 2 hours.

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