Chapter 27

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"They actually asked about you last time I was here." Zayn tells Liam, as they drive to the tattoo shop for Zayn's appointment.

"Oh really?" Liam was genuinely surprised that they even remembered him, considering he was only there for about 20 minutes.

"Yeah, they really like you." He says and smiles. "I understand, because I really like you too."

"Glad to know I make good first impressions." Liam smiles, looking out the window to avoid Zayn's eyes.

Zayn smirks, a light laugh escaping his lips. "oh you really have no idea how good."

"I think I got the idea when you started talking to me." Liam replied.

"Yeah, I made sure I was real subtle about wanting you." Zayn jokes. Liam hums, still starring out the window. He watches the sensory until they reach the destination.

Before hoping out the car, Liam has a quick look to see if there's anyone in their year around. People are starting to notice the two of them together and soon enough they're gonna work it out and their secret will be up. Some already have.

He just doesn't want to be the talk of the whole school, so he'll happily try keep it a secret for as long as he can. He's never been good at having attention. Plus he wants to tell Harry before he finds out from someone else.

"So you're just getting some colour?" Liam asks, slightly nervous about seeing Zayn's friends again.

"Yeah but I should only be about an hour." He smiles. "Only doing some of it." Opening the door, Zayn walks in, finding Liam's hand and taking it in his.

Liam was surprised by the action, assuming that Zayn wouldn't want any of them to know about the two of them. Unless he knows that they'd just assume it's a benefits type of relationship.

At the thought, Liams smile fades. He can't complain though, he's hiding his relationship from Harry, so Zayn can hide it from anyone he wants.

"Hey." Zayn greets, only Elliot being at the front.

"Hey Zayn." He turns his head and smiles. "Liam."

"Hey Elliot." Liam says. "Good to see you."

"Same to you." Elliot replies, smile larger. "I missed you last time."

Liam offers a shy smile and Zayn's hold on Liam's hand gets tighter. "Ed here?" Zayn asks bluntly and Elliot nods, confused my his tone.

"Ah yeah. He's just getting some equipment from the back." He answers. "You know the drill, just do whatever until he's set up and ready."

Zayn pulls Liam away with him. Before looking away, Liam gives Elliot an apologetic smile, in which Elliot replies with a kind smile and shrug. He knows how Zayn can be.

Zayn sits back on the coach, pulling Liam down with him and wrapping his arm around his shoulder. Liam raises an eyebrow at him.

Zayn looks at Liam, knowing exactly what he was thinking. "What? He was being too nice."

"Too nice?" Liam questions. "Would you prefer him to be a dick to me?"

"If it prevents you from wanting his dick, then yes." Zayn smirks.

"Don't talk like that." Liam sneers.

"What?" Zayn chuckles. "I'm sorry, I just don't like guys looking at you like that."

"Is he even gay?" Liam asks.

"Well no but-"

"But nothing, he's allowed to be nice to me. I'm not interested and neither is he." Liam says. "You've got nothing to worry about."

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