Chapter 28

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Okay so Wattpad finally took this story off private and is public!! So you now should be able to view ALL the chapters, including chapter 27 which was the last one I posted! ;) So if you haven't yet read them, enjoy!

"So there's this party tonight.." Zayn begins.

"Yeah.." Liam says.

"Well, will you come with me?" Zayn asks, smiling down at him. They were currently watching TV at Zayn's as school had finished for the day.

"Why did it take you until the afternoon of the day to ask?" Liam asks, nothing but curiously.

Zayn shrugs. "I forgot about it for a little while, and I was debating to ask you, only because I know parties aren't your thing and you'd most likely say no." He says. "But I do really want you to come." He adds, not sure if what he said about debating to ask Liam came out right.

Liam laughs lightly, resting his head on Zayn's shoulder. "You're right, parties aren't my thing." He muses.

"Will you still come though?" Zayn asked hopeful. "I mean we don't have to be affectionate towards one another if you don't want people knowing."

Liam smiles, looking up at Zayn and running his thumb along his lips. "It's not that. I've never been one to go out drinking, with loud music and drunk people trying to grind on me-"

"That last one would not be happening." Zayn interrupts.

Liam leans forward and kisses Zayn's lips gently. "With you there, no one would have the opportunity." He chuckles, making Zayn smile. "And you've been hanging out with me all the time, you need a night out."

Zayn pouts. "But you're my boyfriend now, I want to be with you as much as I can."

"Do not try play the boyfriend card on this one." Liam says causing Zayn to laugh. "Is Louis and Niall going?"

"Yeah but-"

"But nothing." Liam smiles. "You've hardly hung out with the two of them lately. Go have some fun."

"Are you sure because I really don't want to go without you."

"Go!" Liam laughs.

"Will you at least consider making an appearance?" Zayn asks.

"I'll consider it but the chances of it happening are as slim as a straw." Liam replies. "And I'm planning a date for us tomorrow so we'll be able to spend plenty of time together then." Liam adds.

Zayn looks at Liam with fond eyes. "That sounds perfect."


"There hasn't been a party in months! This shits going to be crazy!" Louis jumps. They were currently just waiting for Niall to get there and were just going to walk, considering they all planned to drink, then come back to Zayn's to crash afterwards.

"Yeah should be good as." Zayn says, also excited but not as much as he would've been if Liam was coming. Maybe he'll show up.

"C'mon Zee, lighten up. We're gonna have heaps of fun! And Liam told you too have fun so you have too." Louis tells him.

Smiling, Zayn nods his head. "Yeah alright." Louis pats him on the back. "Let's have a fucking sick time bro."

"Bro, when don't we?" Louis asked him. "Where the fuck is Niall though? It's 9.45."

"Still recovering from the other night I would still imagine." Zayn wriggles his eyebrows at Louis. "Who knew Niall was such a dirty boy?"

"We all knew deep down. That boy was lonely for too long, watched many, many things." Louis answers and they both laugh.

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