Chapter 34

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"So much for taking it slow." Harry breaths unevenly as he finishes unbuttoning Niall's pants, pulling them down and throwing them aside. He was already naked.

"We have our needs. It's understandable." Niall replies. Harry smirks, crawling back on top of Niall, leaning in to press his lips against his.

Harry bites Niall's lower lip as he pulls away, letting it flick back. Niall smiles. "I'm glad we're doing this." He says.

Harry mirrors Niall's smile and nods his head. "So am I." He kisses down Niall's exposed chest, taking extra care. Harry wanted to feel Niall and taste him and memorise every part of him. And he wanted to keep in mind what Niall loved most so then he could please him to the full extend every time. "I really like you Niall."

"I really like you too Harry." Niall says and he truly did mean it.

Like it was hard to explain. He has strong feelings for Louis, he has for a while now and at even at first he tried to deny them because he knew nothing could happen. Now that Louis' let him be with Harry, the feelings are still there, as they should be because that's awful if you can get over someone in a week, but they aren't pulling him towards Louis anymore.

Now his feelings are being pulled in Harry's direction and surprisingly enough, he feels okay about it.

Harry elbows Niall's apart, spreading them wide. He sucks two of his fingers, coating them in his spit, and pulling them out of his mouth, he moves his fingers carefully to Niall's entrance, pushing in slowly. Niall makes a gasping noise at the feeling.

Harry pushes his fingers in and out of Niall slowly, loosening him up. He makes scissors action and he hits a spot which causes Niall's hips to buck up and that was enough for Niall.

"Please Harry." Niall whines, needing all of him.

Harry waits another moment, though, making sure he's loose enough and enjoying the view before him. He watches his fingers disappearing into Niall's tight hole. He looks back up at Niall who is starting down at him.

"Hold your knees up, love." He says, as he slowly pulls his fingers out of him

Harry moans, scooting up between the boy's legs. "You are so damn beautiful." Niall's face goes red as the smile on his face deepens into a silly grin.

Harry gets himself lined up, meeting Niall's gaze and holding it as he carefully pushes inside. It's always so good with Niall and tonight is even better.

Niall grips hard against Harry's large biceps.

"Harry," Niall whimpers desperately. Harry was going painfully slow.

Harry leans down, resting his elbows above Niall's shoulders, and starts his hips in a rhythm, rocking slowly. Niall still has his legs held back, giving Harry a good angle, and it just falls together, the perfect rhythm.

"You feel so good." Harry mumbles, his face hovering over Niall's shoulder, lips barely grazing his skin. "Always feel so good."

Niall makes another desperate little noise and Harry speeds up just a bit, his thrusts becoming heavier. He wishes he could do this forever, just draw it out.

"Fuck Harry. Yes." Niall's arms slide under Harry's, curling up to hold onto his shoulders. Harry's hips buck forward faster, pounding into Niall's smaller body with all of his weight, and their bodies rock against the mattress together.

Harry leans down pressing his lips heard against Niall's. "I want you to ride my cock." He breaths.

Niall moans in agreement. Harry pulls out of Niall, only for a moment so he could flip them around so that he's leaning against the headboard and Niall is in his lap.

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