Chapter 8

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Reasons why I haven't updated:
1-really bad writers block! I had an outline of the story but now that I'm up to this part, I struggled with coming up with something. But I got ideas now!
2- I've been really busy!

So I apologise! enjoy this chapter though :) Not a lot happens in this chapter but in the next couple more interesting things should occur, so be patient! So don't expect much from this chapter, it's kind of just a filler!

Louis was so frustrated that he didn't know what he was doing. He walked down the halls, occasionally banging his fist against one or multiple of the lockers and when people would look, tell them to (quote) 'mind your fucking own business'. He had no idea where this anger was coming from though. Things were just so confusing lately that his body and mind have formed partners, causing his body to express whatever is going through his mind right now. Which is this case is anger.

All the fighting is just too much for their little group. Everything was good before Liam came along. He had Niall as his best friend along with Zayn as both his best friend and sex buddy. Now that Liam is around Zayn won't even kiss him, won't even touch him like he used to. The sex is always great but it was the little things that made Louis enjoy spending that 'extra' time with Zayn. The way that when in bed, he'll say he was going to get up but then takes him about 10 minutes before he finally does. Or the way he teases Louis about how loudly he snores. Or the way he laughs when Louis asks him if his butts to large for liking. Or the way he kisses every inch of Louis' face when Louis gets mad at him. Its not all just about the sex to Louis. It's the comfort and ease he feels when he's with Zayn.

But obviously to Zayn it's just about the sex. It's all just a bit of fun, nothing special. Louis really shouldn't complain though. That's what they agreed on. Friends with benefits, no strings attached. He just wishes that for him, there were no strings attached. He wishes that there was no more feelings to Zayn then just lust. But unfortunately that's not the case.

Sighing loudly, he threw his books in his locker. It was lunch and he was sick of this place. He couldn't stand to talk or even look at Zayn, Niall was still avoiding him, as he was also doing the same and he really didn't want to see Harry because things are just awkward now between the two of them.

God why did he say Niall's name?! He was really beginning to fall for Harry and that was good for him. It meant he was slowly stopping thinking about Zayn. But now Niall's popped into the equation. How fucking fantastic. Now there's 3 different guys in his head.

"Fuck!" Louis yelled. When did his life get so complicated?

"Lou." A voice spoke softly behind him. He knew who it was and he didn't know whether he wanted to face him or not. Louis closed his eyes for a short moment before turning around to face the person. "Are-are you alright?" Niall asked hesitantly. He looked at Louis with concerned eyes. Louis' eyes softened and he sighed.

"Yeah I'm good. Just a bit tired s'all." Louis answered. Niall nodded, not convinced but he didn't question Louis' response. Louis could tell that his statement was more true for Niall then it was from him. His eyes were red and he had purple bags under his eyes. It looks as though he hasn't slept in days, but it's most likely just been 1 or 2.

There was a silence between them that was more awkward then they both hoped. "Well if you ever need to talk, you know I'm around." Niall says, giving Louis a tight smile. Louis didn't reply, he just nodded. Niall closed his eyes and sighed. Not saying anymore and walking away.

Louis turned back around and banged his head onto a locker a couple times. "You're such a mess Louis. Get your fucking shit together." He groaned to himself.


Zayn was on his way out of the school, when he noticed Niall sluggishly walking not to far from him. Liam can wait 10 more minutes, he thought to himself and lightly jogged to catch up to Niall. "Ni, wait up." He called. Niall stopped and spun around, instantly happier that Zayn's around. "You seem worse then before. What's up?"

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