Chapter 26

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I'm sorry this is like another filler chapter but your gonna either love or hate the next couple chapters after this!! Get excited!

1 week and a couple days later

"So." Zayn smirks. "Wanna you know, come back to my place after school?" He whispers to Liam.

Liam shakes his head, fighting back a smile. "St-stop." He looks around to avoid Zayns eyes but failed. He looks at him, a now small smile evident on his face. "If you keep starring at me like that, people are going to notice." He pauses. "I'm pretty sure people have noticed. It would be hard for them not to."

"Relax babe." He smiles, looking back to the front to make Liam feel more comfortable. "Harry's not here because his date with Louis went really well and Louis convinced him to take the day off because they were at his place already."

"Yes but-"

"That means he's not going to see anything." Zayn simply says.

"But someone could tell him." Liam comments. Liam planned on telling Harry soon, just not until they were more serious.

"Alright...let's forget about now. After school, my place?" Zayn asks again.

Liam contemplates but shakes his head. "Not today."

Zayn frowns. "But we're boyfriends now. We're supposed to have fun instead of studying."


He shrugs his shoulders, the smirk finding its way back into his features. "And it's always more fun when you're hiding it from someone else."

Basically Liam's mind just when empty other then with the repeat of the word 'boyfriend'. That's the first time Zayn's actually referred to them as boyfriends. And it feels like he's now on cloud 9.

He wanted to think of them as that but he didn't know if Zayn was ready to be labelled that way. Apparently he's fine with it though and Liam's trying so hard to hide his smile that his face is hurting.

"Liam are you even listening to me?" Zayn sulked.

"Yeah your place." He replies. He now, after hearing Zayn say that, just wants to spend as much time with him as he can.

"Oh uh okay. Perfect." Zayn mutters, confused at Liam's quick change in opinion.

"What's wrong with that?" Liam asks, noticing the change in tone.

Zayn shakes his head. "Nothing just surprised you changed your mind so quickly."

"Why? We're just hanging out at yours, nothing more right?" Liam asks innocently, knowing Zayns intent.

Zayn just smiles. "No of course not, nothing more to it."


"Are your parents ever home?" Liam asks, walking hand in hand with Zayn to his room.

Zayn shrugs. "Nah they're always working. But it means I get to do whatever when I'm home."

"Yeah I know what you mean, but it gets boring doesn't it? I mean, it's the same for me but even if I have an endless amount of books to read, I don't always want to read them and there's not always homework and Harry's normally busy." Liam rambles on.

Zayn smiles at his cute nerdiness. "Mm sometimes. But unlike you, I actually do fun things." He wraps his arms around Liam's waist and in one swift movement, falls backwards into his bed, bringing Liam down with him.

Liam frowns down at him, now on top of Zayn so they were chest to chest laying on the bed. "Readings fun, for me it is anyway."

"I know." Zayn chuckles.

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